Processing Forum
I tried different sunflow libraries that didn't work (hipstersinc and this one:


None of them works on Snow Leopard. Sunflow4p5 kinda works but the screen turns black and the topic where it was posted is closed. Is there anything out there that works?


Check out this post. The two main options are currently joonsrenderer and sunflowapiapi.

The latter has a p5sunflowapiapi spin-off, but I personally prefer using the original.

Getting back to some sunflow stuff is still somewhere on my own to-do-list. So much cool stuff, so little time!
I saw it but the Sunflow APIAPI is only for Windows. I will read your post again, thanks!
I've used SunflowAPIAPI and original hipsterinc successfully on linux, you do need version 0.7.3 of sunflow which you can compile from source. Requires an older version of janino janino.jar but can be updated to use new version see my blog. For other renderer you could try my povwriter library that exports povray files. PS the janino.jar is included with 0.7.2 version so you will have that already.
Joons seems to be working just fine! Thanks!