Processing Forum

Wire Letters

in Share your Work  •  3 years ago  
Hi all,


Here is a little weekend project I made called Wire Letters. It was originally conceived as a sculpture project to make a 3-dimensional font using coat hanger wire (hence the name) and each letterform made from one piece of continuous wire. The idea being to create it so that it only looks like the letterform from a certain angle and otherwise look like a mess of wire. I think of it as a puzzle where you would be presented with a shape of wire and then you would have to figure out what letter it is.

Not looking forward to a day with coat hangers and wire cutters, I realised Processing would be ideal to make this and hopefully produce many options for export and reuse. I would like to get them printed using a 3D printer (i have previously written a little DXF file writer which I could repurpose) and I have another version which exports images of the letterforms rotated in 15° increments.

It would be great to hear any thoughts and suggestions for other export ideas like other 3D formats from DXF as I don't know much about 3D, or if it could be turned into a real font as a postscript, truetype, opentype, plus any ideas for re-use or extension.

There are a bunch of controls I forgot to write on the html page:
space to start/stop auto-rotation
0 to reset rotation
delete to regenerate letters
arrows to increment rotation in 15° steps
drag mouse for free rotation

Thanks for having a look!


Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
And congrats for your flash works.

Talking about 3D fonts (or similar techniques), time ago I investigated on how to 'extrude' 2d pixel fonts.
Here are the results.

A single letter

A textwriter

Combined with a physics lib (jBullet)

Re: Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
Thanks, Flash is my bread & butter, Processing is for fun. Hopefully someone will pay me to do it sometime!

I like your extruded letterform sketches, and the physics is excellent.

Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago

I'm currently working on a method to make fontfiles from a processing sketch. You might wanna have a look at:


Re: Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
That looks really interesting, although I'm not that knowledgeable on Python.

Can I just generate the xml/glif format from Processing and then run it through a script to generate the font? Or is it more complex than that? It seemed there were quite a few files e.g. kerning.plist. Do all the files need to be made to generate the font?

Thanks for your suggestion.

Re: Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
Hi Jaeger,

Not sure about the specific questions you have for me. I am starting with this in 2 weeks from now, for my own typeproject. I will ask Just v. Rossum next month. He made this software, so I'm sure he would be able to explain me some of the details. I will start a topic as soon as I have more information.

Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
You might also want to check out my 2010 New Year's greetings as an open source variation of this theme:

Re: Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
very nice toxmeister,

I also really like the work you did for Decode at V&A. Any tips for getting work into an exhibition like that? Cheers.

Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago

just got a type sculpture app into the app store

& am using Processing to er process the emailed output from the app to end up with OBJ files for 3D printing



Re: Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
great stuff!

Doing it as an app is an interesting idea, I hope it works out successfully. I'll look into .OBJ format.

I went to a 3D printers the other day and was advised that my letters needed to be in .STL format for printing. They can accept other formats but then you pay for them to rework them into .STL format. He gave me a rough estimate of £600 for getting the whole alphabet printed.

Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago


in processing using I'm superCAD lib to enable export to OBJ

then convert to STL via blender

I'm using shapeways for the 3D print


depending on what size/material you are after I'm sure you get a better price than £600


Re: Wire Letters

3 years ago
thanks for the tips, i'll check out shapeways.