I've been using processing for a few years now and for the most part its been great to work with but I have one never ending problem - libraries.
For some reason every time i try to install a library it ends up a 3 hour circle of doom installing -restarting -uninstalling!! Over the past week I have installed processing 1.2.1 and tried with little success to install JMyron, JMC and OpenCV each with their various problems and although the forums are good nobody seems to have definite answer . I have managed to install Toxilibs and Moving Letters so it seems to be particularly the video libraries.
I am running win 7 x64, javafx-sdk1.3, Production Suite, jdk1.6.0_20, jre6,k-lite,opencv 1.0(tried 2.2 but won't work at all), directshow , netbeans , jdk1.6.0_23.
Is is it just me....................