Hello Everybody
first of all id' like to mention that I am not very into programming. I am studying social science and I am interested in Processing because i would like to do data visualizations.This is my first little project.
The idea is to create a data-game. This means it should be a game which lets the user interact with data in a funny way but also lets him/her get know the data. In a second step the user schould be free to upload his own data and play with it.
In the game the user has to manipulate a moving graph by choosing data. For example he plays with country data about Child Mortality; if he chooses Sweden his graph probably will move downwards whereas choosing the Kongo will make his graph heading to the top. Manipulating the graph the user is creating a path on which a little circle is moving. The aim of the game is not to hit the obstacles moving around (obstacles not yet included).
I suppose this is hard to understand :) but see it yourself…
The game was initially thought to be an android app or a web-browser game. But the first time i launched it on my cell phone i noticed that it is super slow. On my laptop it's consuming about 20-30% of my CPU (2.4Ghz Macbook) and up too 300MB of memory. As .js in Firefox it is about 40% of CPU and up to 400MB!
As Javascript it is not slow (as on the cellphone) but its flickering and hardly reacts (RIGHT, LEFT to switch between options and DOWN to choose one option )
As I said before i don't know much about programming and have know clue what I could do/change to speed it up?
I suppose it is unusual to post a whole project-code and let people search for problems but I just ran out of ideas. So sorry for that!
The data has to be stored in a .txt archive in the following format.
first of all id' like to mention that I am not very into programming. I am studying social science and I am interested in Processing because i would like to do data visualizations.This is my first little project.
The idea is to create a data-game. This means it should be a game which lets the user interact with data in a funny way but also lets him/her get know the data. In a second step the user schould be free to upload his own data and play with it.
In the game the user has to manipulate a moving graph by choosing data. For example he plays with country data about Child Mortality; if he chooses Sweden his graph probably will move downwards whereas choosing the Kongo will make his graph heading to the top. Manipulating the graph the user is creating a path on which a little circle is moving. The aim of the game is not to hit the obstacles moving around (obstacles not yet included).
I suppose this is hard to understand :) but see it yourself…
The game was initially thought to be an android app or a web-browser game. But the first time i launched it on my cell phone i noticed that it is super slow. On my laptop it's consuming about 20-30% of my CPU (2.4Ghz Macbook) and up too 300MB of memory. As .js in Firefox it is about 40% of CPU and up to 400MB!
As Javascript it is not slow (as on the cellphone) but its flickering and hardly reacts (RIGHT, LEFT to switch between options and DOWN to choose one option )
As I said before i don't know much about programming and have know clue what I could do/change to speed it up?
I suppose it is unusual to post a whole project-code and let people search for problems but I just ran out of ideas. So sorry for that!
The data has to be stored in a .txt archive in the following format.
- Algeria;50.0
- Austria;30.0
- ...
- float [] yPos;//array for yPositons of selected Data. twice as long as the screensize
boolean choice=false; //true if player has coosen an option
boolean newselection=true; //true if new data has to be presented
float value;//choosen value
int lastPointx;//calculates next data Point on the left side of the Ball xPosition
float lastPointy;//calculates next data Point on the left side of the Ball yPosition
int nextPointx; //calculates next data Point on the right side of the Ball xPosition
float nextPointy;//calculates next data Point on the right side of the Ball yPosition
int endPointx;//rightest Data Point
int zaehler; //counts the total number of data points = Number of yPosition array elements which are not -1
float ballVel=0.09; // stes the velocity the ball moves forward on the x-axis
float xBall=250;//xPosition of the ball
float yBall=height/2; //sets starting point for yBall position
PFont font;
int selecta=1; //number of currently selected option =1,2,3
int optionAsize=12; //fontsize for otpion
int optionBsize=12;
int optionCsize=12;
int optionAindex; //
int optionBindex;
int optionCindex;
String dateiName;
void setup()
size(500, 300); //
// orientation(LANDSCAPE); // for ANDROID: fix Lndscape mode
yPos = new float[2*width]; //array for selected value.
//if nothing is selected its filled width -1. it is twice as long as the screensize
yPos[width]=height/2;//sets start value
yPos[2*width-1]=height/2;//sets a second start value
//dateiName = selectInput("Please choose your data (.txt)."); //option for selecting own data
//Data is selectes with arrows. DOWN chooses a option (for android DPAD)
void keyPressed() {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == LEFT) {
if (keyCode == RIGHT) {
if (keyCode ==DOWN) { //for ANDROID: DPAD
choice=true; //boolean true if an option is choosen
newselection=true; //new data has to be presented
void draw()
background (255);
int hohenabstand=height/30; //distance from top and bottom to percentage axis
int seitenabstand=width/60; //distance from right side to percentage axis
//Load Data and save it as Array
String []landerDaten; //country Data
landerDaten = loadStrings("daten.txt");//or dateiName
String []landerNamen= new String[landerDaten.length]; //array length
float []landerWerte= new float[landerDaten.length];
for (int i=0; i<landerDaten.length; i++) {
String [] list = split(landerDaten[i], ";"); //split data into country-Names (landerNamen) and country-values(landerWerte)
float f = float(list[1]);//convert float data into integer
f=height-(f*(height-2*hohenabstand)/100)-hohenabstand; //make data fit into percentage axis
landerWerte[i]=f; //fill DatenArray
if (selecta>3) { //makes selestion go back to first option after last option
selecta =1;
if (selecta<1) {
//////////Change fontsize for selection
if (selecta==1) {
else {
if (selecta==2) {
else {
if (selecta==3) {
else {
//Move Array to the left = move graph
for (int x=1;x<2*width;x++)
yPos[x-1] = yPos[x];
if (choice) {
if (selecta==1) {
value=landerWerte[optionAindex];//set last array position to country value for selection if Option A is choosen
if (selecta==2) {
value=landerWerte[optionBindex];//set last array position to country value for selection if Option B is choosen
if (selecta==3) {
value=landerWerte[optionCindex];//set last array position to country value for selection if Option C is choosen
yPos[2*width-1]=value;//set yPos array to -1 if no choice is made
if (newselection) {//if a selection is made > new random Options
float textY=height/10*9;
float textXa=width/6;
float textXb=width/2;
float textXc=width/6*5;
font = createFont("Courier New", 25, false);
//define Strings
String optionA = landerNamen[optionAindex];
String optionB = landerNamen[optionBindex];
String optionC = landerNamen[optionCindex];
font = createFont("Courier New", 25, false);
textFont(font, optionAsize);
text(optionA, textXa, textY);
textFont(font, optionBsize);
text(optionB, textXb, textY);
textFont(font, optionCsize);
text(optionC, textXc, textY);
//Create Percentage Axis
line(width-2, hohenabstand, width-2, height-hohenabstand);//
line(width-seitenabstand, hohenabstand, width-2, hohenabstand);
line(width-seitenabstand, height-hohenabstand, width-2, height-hohenabstand);
line(width-width/80, height/2, width-2, height/2);
textFont(font, 12);
text("100%", width-seitenabstand, hohenabstand);
text("50%", width-width/80, height/2);
text("0%", width-seitenabstand, height-hohenabstand);
// Create Graph
//show array
for (int x =0; x<2*width; x++)
if (yPos[x]>0) {
vertex(x-width, yPos[x]);
// Draw Ball
//calculate Ball xPosition
for (int e =2*width-1; e>0; e--)
if (yPos[e]>0) {
if (xBall>0 && xBall <endPointx) {
//find Ball yPosition
int intxBall= int(xBall); //convert xBall in integer
//Find Nextpoint
for (int i =intxBall+width; i<2*width; i++)
if (yPos[i]>0) {
//Find LastPoint
for (int j =intxBall+width; j>0; j--)
if (yPos[j]>0) {
if (yPos[intxBall+width]>0) {//If ball passes corner
else {
//yBall (Intercept theorem)
ellipse(xBall, yBall, 10, 10);
//line(xBall, 0, xBall, height);
//Kringel auf Eckpunkten vor und nach xBall
//ellipse(nextPointx, nextPointy, 5, 5);
//ellipse(lastPointx, lastPointy, 5, 5);
//println("OptionAIndex: " + optionAindex);
println("Eckpunkte: " + zaehler);
println("LastPoint: " + lastPointy + " NextPoint: " + nextPointy);
println("Ball: " + xBall + " " +yBall);
println("Endpunkt: "+ endPointx);
Could it be the array which consumes
so much memory? Is there an other way to do this without an array of this length
? i tried to store NULL if no choice is made but it seems this isnt posible?
if someone read all this thank you very much for your patience!! :)
Sorry for my english...
bye and thanks for helping out
if someone read all this thank you very much for your patience!! :)
Sorry for my english...
bye and thanks for helping out