Processing Forum
Dear All,

"Note that due to major changes by Google to the Android dev tools, Android mode in Processing 1.5.x through 2.0a6 do not work."

But I can't find a place to download Processing 2.0a7. It's said out on 28, Nov. 

The latest available for downloading is Processing 2.0b6

Best Rgds.

Ms. Zhu


They might be a bit late. Be patient...
Copy code
  1. svn checkout http://processing.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ processing
  2. cd processing/build
  3. ant run

And you'll always have latest version ;)
The a1-a6 were alpha releases of Processing and have been superceded by the beta releases so 2.0b6 is the latest version so try that.
Oops, I completely missed the a vs. b business in the original message... Confused!