What do printMatrix numbers mean?
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Programming Questions
3 years ago
I'm an utter noob with a devastatingly simple question that must've already been answered many time but I can't find it!
What do the numbers from printMatrix mean?
I'm expecting four numbers: xRot, yRot, xTrans, yTrans but instead I get six.
Are rotations in radians?
Why does the identity/default matrix have 1's in it? Why isn't everything 0?
I'm using push and pop matrix and wondering, "why isn't there a way to push: fill/nofill, fill color, stroke/nostroke, strokecolor, strokeweight, rectMode and other modes. I don't get how to write callable routines that don't know
how the caller has set these things, needs to modify them, needs to restore them to pre-invocation values. It's clear
push/pop/matrix does that for rotations and tranlations but what about all the other presentation controlling parameters?