What are limitations of Processing.js and how to convert to Processing.js normal sketch
Processing with Other Languages
5 months ago
Recently I found that OpenProcessing changed policy and want to upload the sketches in Processing.js format (which I don't like at all
, and don't see much reason to do that)

I would like to know what are the limitations of Processing.js in comparison to standard Java Processing ?
I tought that it is just much slower ( because it doesn't use JIT ? does it? ) ... but actually doesn't seen so slow as I expected (Maybe just because I didn't seen yet really computationaly intensive sketch writen in Processing.js).
I also found that probably GLSL shaders are not wokring in Processing.js ( I wasn't able to run even the examples from processing shelf. Or am I doing it wrong? )
I would like also to know how to convert sketch writen in Processing to Processing.js in order to upload it to OpenProcessing? I tought that in case when I dont use any processing library and GLSL shaders it is converted automatically. But it is not.
For example, this is my applet to demonstrate solution of planetary orbit by Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg integrator with adaptive step. I had to go back to processing 1.5 to export i as applet, because in Processing.js it is not working, I don't know why?
Working (Processing 1.5. applet )
Not Working (Processing 2.0b6 javascript )
I tried to put all the stuff in one file, but it doesn't help
I tried to put all the stuff in one file, but it doesn't help