video queue mixer
Core Library Questions
7 months ago
hi there im trying to develop a videomixer working by the following:
its for an automatic poem generator (markov)
allways on the lookout for new toys to mod
its for an automatic poem generator (markov)
- starts op - nothing playing but loaded same video into two movie objects
- gets an message to queue an A->B period.
- since nothing is playing it goes to A and plays until B where the message (A->B) is removed from the queue i guess.
- while playing it gets a new message added to the queue and the mixer wants to fade from the current playing video to the next in queue when the first gets near its end (B)
so the functionality is like a first in first out however there is a transition between so i need two player objects overlapping in both start and end.
i also need the scenario where the queue is empty. no new objects (for a while at least)
my question is:
is there a general way to let a machine decide which player should play the next (song/video/etc) according to who is not busy?
is there anything general about my problem (can it be reearched and by what terms)
have anybody seen such a mixer? (basically an itunes autocrossfader for video hehe)
xan anybody help me out in which way to go?
ps. i have developed on this and come up ith 4 or 5 different drafts that not at all match my criteries so i think there is something central i dont get :-)
i also need the scenario where the queue is empty. no new objects (for a while at least)
my question is:
is there a general way to let a machine decide which player should play the next (song/video/etc) according to who is not busy?
is there anything general about my problem (can it be reearched and by what terms)
have anybody seen such a mixer? (basically an itunes autocrossfader for video hehe)
xan anybody help me out in which way to go?
ps. i have developed on this and come up ith 4 or 5 different drafts that not at all match my criteries so i think there is something central i dont get :-)
allways on the lookout for new toys to mod