Video Capture | P2.0 | OS X 10.8
Core Library Questions
1 year ago
Hi Forum,
Long time no see.
I'm getting funny, inconsistent results with video capture on Alpha and Beta versions of 2.0.
I know that everything is switching over away from Quicktime and towards GSVideo, which is great.
I'm wondering if someone (Andres ?) can comment on the roadmap, and anyone else chime in to what they are seeing...
Currently, the availability of certain cameras - besides my iSight - appear and disappear under different situations / runtime configurations from a4 to b3 ... and even when any of the other cameras show up in the capture.list(), they won't draw to the screen.
I'm about to browse the Bugs, and for an updated version of GSVideo as well, but thought I'd post here to see if anyone has answers/ideas/condolences...

~ Jesse