Very odd Ketai / Camera problem
Android Processing
17 days ago I'm using the latest version of Ketai library, on my Samsung s3 mini, running 4.1.1....(with Processing 2.0.3)
When I open up the Library example app 'CameraGettingStarted', i can run it perfectly fine on my device. [as do my own Android Processing apps].
The 'CameraGettingStarted' app installs, runs, and works fine. I can tap the screen and the camera starts as normal.
So far, so good.
So, if I copy-and-paste the code into another sketch and run compiles, installs, runs....and launches. Then, when I tap the screen to start the doesn't work, and the console spits out the following:
- Failed to open camera for camera ID: 0:Fail to connect to camera service
But...the Ketai example works fine...
Any ideas what's going on?
No sooner had I posted this, I worked it out.
The problem is with the AndroidManifest.XML files...the Ketai one has permissions set to access the camera, mine didn't.
This is probably all explained had I read a bit more into Ketai :) but if not, i'll leave this here as it might be of some help to others. (or the Mods might just delete it too.....)
Anyway, you need to make sure your AndroidManifest.XML is the same as the Ketai one.....