Various Applet Problems in Chrome, Firefox and Safari on os x 10.6.8: mainly with controlP5 texfieilds and link()
Integration and Hardware
1 year ago
So I've got an applet that I've been working on for some time now (may of you have helped me so far). And now that it's almost done I'm finding that each browser has different set of problems.
I'm hoping some of you might have encountered some of the problems and can perhaps sugest some fixes
The applet can be found
- Chrome:
- ControlP5 text fields sometimes don't work when the sketch first loads, but then will suddenly start to work, and sometimes work from the get go
- slow performance
- freezing
- background flickering when not scrolling (I think this has to do with me drawing my 3d scene off screen and then loading it as an image)
- FireFox:
- ControlP5 text fields never work
- Safari:
- Overall works well, but link(URL,"_new") does not work. Even the example does not work.
If anyone has any clues how to get rid of any of these problems I'd be grateful, it would be awesome if there was one browser where everything worked.
The big lesson I've learned here is not to use appets for interactive 3D webapps, and move towards processing.js, webGL and three.js.