No, it's not.
The user can set a Red, Green and Blue value, those have to be converted into hex.
Then, the hex color value has to be applied to a tint. Note: the hex color value is a string.
tint() only accepts, when using HSB mode, colors like these: #000AFC
Meaning, the function used would look like:
- tint(#000AFC,180,LBrightness);
However, since the value that is supposed to be placed at #000AFC is a string, it won't work.
I want something like this:
- String
- lightingString=000AFC; //Note: hex'ed colors don't have a #, which it does require
- tint(#lightingString,180,LBrightness); //I guess the # has to be added then... Doesn't work anyway.
Basically, RGB -> hex (string) -> string in tint
EDIT: When I apply a reddish color for the first value, and then change it to clear blue, it stays red. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I just changed #FA0000 to #000EFA.