This has probably been asked before but I can’t find it and maybe someone has worked this recently
What I would like is a curve interface element that a user could manipulate while the sketch is running to set a range of value
This would be very much like the Timeline tool and library but the output values would not be tied to time, it would be accessed with a parameter of length of x percentage, i.e. .5 in would return the height of the spline at 50% along the length of the x axis, and it could be changed while the sketch was running
Probably there would be on OK or update button to go with the curve
Additional it should appear in a separate window from the draw window and allow multiple curves for different
This would be similar to the Graph feature in Pro-E
A simple example, The sketch draws a color gradient from top of window to bottom
The hue value could be set with the curve tool
I know this is not simple and I am not (currently) asking for help making it, just wanted to see if someone has done this and made it available