The "maxlink" solution creates a connection between Processing and Max/MSP through an UDP connection.
Since MAX/MSP allows you to run Java-code, it is also possible to run Processing sketches directly from within Java.
I have written a simple class that allows you to control and launch Processing sketches from MAX/MSP.
With this class, you can create your own MXJ-objects that can pass data FROM and TO a Processing Sketch.
Benefits are:
- Speed (same JVM, no network!)
- Easier distribution (Processing Sketches can come along with MAX/MSP)
- Easier start-up; no need to start the Processing sketch independently!
Disadvantages are:
- I haven't figured out how to configure the MAX/MSP classpath to allow Processing's OPENGL capabilities....
(currently I only depend on Processings "core.jar")
Examples are included, as well as instructions on how to set MAX/MSP's classpath to run Processing.
PS. The class also works in Matlab!
PS2: If anybody can get the OPENGL running, that would be great!
PS3: Does anybody know the best place to share this? I think it's usefull for a lot of people! (I also posted it on Matlab's File Exchange)