Processing Forum
I found this great code from internet and following is demo video of the code. This code uses JMyron library to create some masks alike silhouette.


I'm using Processing 2.0 and I downloaded the code. Then I loaded the code and run it. It said "can not fine ~ "Moviemaker" though. So I searched about this Moviemaker thing, and I found that this Moviemaker thing is for previous version of Processing not the 2.0. I tried some editing(fix this Moviemaker code in 2.0 way) but as beginner, not only Processing but also OOP, I could not make this code work. So I post this question in forum to find breakthrough.

Link above is the code I want to fix. I hope there is some ways to use this code in Processing 2.0.  Thank in advance.


why not make things simple and just use for this sketch processing 1.5.1 ? :)