URGENT*** Multiple videos Arduino and audio
Integration and Hardware
10 months ago
Hey guys, I hope someone can help me out.
Im trying to have an interactive prototype, simple, at least thats what I thought it would be.
How it works:
- video1+sound1 (as background)
Tell me how I can fix this.
At least I know about the if statement is making me mad, because if there is no input it will go back to the background video....
Thanks in advance
Im trying to have an interactive prototype, simple, at least thats what I thought it would be.
How it works:
- video1+sound1 (as background)
- if someone makes noise (video2 plays+sound2)
- if sound2 is playing modify the sound rate with external sensor.
this is the code.
- if sound2 is playing modify the sound rate with external sensor.
this is the code.
import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;import processing.serial.*;import codeanticode.gsvideo.*;
// cam and movie
GSMovie morbida1;GSMovie morbida2;GSMovie morbida3;
// music stuffSample bgMusic;Sample snd1;Sample snd2;Sample snd3;
//-------------------------- Declaring arduino stuffSerial port;// sensor stufffloat sensor_A = 0.0;
//-------------------------- Declaring classes
//Morbidia morbidia1;
//-------------------- VOID SETUP -----------------------
void setup(){//size(720,480,P2D);//size(720,480,P3D);size(320,240,P3D);frameRate(25);morbida1 = new GSMovie(this, "morbida_final.mov");morbida2 = new GSMovie(this, "morbidaMad_final2.mov");morbida3 = new GSMovie(this, "morbidaShy_final2.mov");morbida1.frameRate(25);morbida2.frameRate(25);morbida3.frameRate(25);morbida1.loop();morbida2.play();morbida3.play();println(Serial.list());port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0],9600);//port = new Serial(this, "/dev/tty.usbmodem411", 9600);port.bufferUntil('\n');Sonia.start(this);bgMusic = new Sample("underwaterk.wav");snd1 = new Sample("snd_madA.wav");snd2 = new Sample("snd_madA1.wav");snd3 = new Sample("snd_madA.wav");bgMusic.repeat();LiveInput.start();}
// --------------------- VOID MOVIE EVENT ---------------------
void movieEvent (GSMovie morbida){morbida.read();//morbida2.read();// morbida3.read();}
// -------------------- VOID DRAW -----------------------
void draw(){image(morbida1,0,0, width, height);float frame_loc = map(morbida1.frame(), 0,150, 0,125);float level = LiveInput.getLevel();level = map(level,0,1,0,100);//println(level);
int vol_Limit = 5;if(level>vol_Limit){snd1.play();//println(morbida2.length());if(snd1.isPlaying()){morbida1.stop();image(morbida2,0,0,width,height);sensor_A = map(sensor_A, 0, 255, 0.1, 0.3);snd1.setRate(sensor_A*88200);// println(brightness);delay(1000);}//------- END IF}//------- END DRAW}
void serialEvent(Serial port){sensor_A = float(port.readStringUntil('\n'));}void stop(){Sonia.stop();super.stop();}
Tell me how I can fix this.
At least I know about the if statement is making me mad, because if there is no input it will go back to the background video....
Thanks in advance