Upload File Form?
Programming Questions
7 months ago
Is there way to make a form in processing much like the php form found here:
My goal is to create an app that you can upload an image into and it will rearrange the pixels in the image into a spectrum. There has to be a library somewhere out there that can do this.
Here is my code so Far:
PImage img;
int cellsize = 5;
int cols, rows;
void setup() {
img = loadImage("face.jpeg"); // Load the image;
size(img.width, img.height, P3D);
cols = width/cellsize; // Calculate # of columns
rows = height/cellsize; // Begin loop for rows
void draw() {
background(245, 245, 245);
// Begin loop for columns
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// Calculate # of rows
for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
int x = i*cellsize + cellsize/2; // x position
int y = j*cellsize + cellsize/2; // y position
int loc = x + y*width; // Pixel array location
color c = img.pixels[loc]; // Grab the color
// Calculate a z position as a function of mouseX and pixel brightness
float r = (mouseX/(float)width*10) * red(img.pixels[loc])-(img.width/2);
float g = (mouseX/(float)width*10) * blue(img.pixels[loc])-(img.width/2);
float b = (mouseX/(float)width*10) * green(img.pixels[loc])-(img.width/2);
translate(r, g, b);
rect(.5*width, .5*height, cellsize, cellsize);
Remember the point is that instead of:
img = loadImage("face.jpeg");
...I would use and upload image function and then what ever image is uploaded would be processed.