NEVER MIND. problem solved. there appears to be a lot unsaid about Processing sketchbook library arrangement.
i rm'd all of the twitter4j libs i'd installed and started again from the zip file.
for the record, this is what is currently working and installed:
*** TWITTER4J 2.2.5 LIBRARY INSTALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Not exactly as described in
Windows 7, therefore sketchbook lib dir is C:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Processing/libraries
* created directory twitter4j225
* created subdir library
* to twitter4j225/library i copied the five jar files:
* THEN i renamed twitter4j-core-2.2.5.jar to twitter4j225.jar (same as 'libraries' dir name as required) so that the complete path to it is
that made this work. according to my read of the Processing wiki, this is wrong; each of the other libs (async, stream, etc) should be in their own folder in Processing/libraries, in this scheme, twitter4j225async, twitter4jstream, etc. But that DID NOT WORK. (Plus the wiki sort of implies you must have examples, reference and src dirs, which is silly. I guess I should make an edit.)
(I really hate that Processing can't tolerate dot and dash in the dir and jar names. Seriously, wtf? it makes library update and maintenance needlessly difficult. Is there any current filesystem that cannot accept 'package-lib-1.2.3.jar'?)
*** PROCESSING SOURCE CODE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
banal and obvious; the imports for 'twitter4j225'
import twitter4j.conf.*;
import twitter4j.internal.async.*;
import twitter4j.internal.logging.*;
import twitter4j.json.*;
import twitter4j.internal.util.*;
import twitter4j.auth.*;
import twitter4j.api.*;
import twitter4j.util.*;
import twitter4j.internal.http.*;
import twitter4j.*;
import twitter4j.internal.json.*;
At some point I will post my entire working streaming API filter app. It is essentially a stripped down version of neufuture's github program at the moment but it will get modified to deal with dropped connections and restarts, logging in a CVS spreadsheet and all that rot.