Processing Forum

Tutee's exhibition

in Share your Work  •  6 months ago  
Just before Christmas I started tutoring an 11 year old in Processing. At first we worked on 2D shapes (rect(), ellipse(), triangle() and line()) together with fill() and stroke().

I thought it was Napoleon who said that no battle plan survives contact with the enemy, but google says otherwise. Even so, I've learnt that no lesson plan survives contact with the student, and I was delighted when he started to say "can we do ... ?"

These two sketches are all his idea:


Encouraging comments welcome!


Re: Tutee's exhibition

6 months ago
I think thats great for an 11 year old to take an interest in programming. As to the pictures I would add a halo so you get 'The Saint'.

It is even more delightful when they go from " can we do ... ?" to " let me do ..."

Re: Tutee's exhibition

6 months ago
Fantastic! I thought most children would start w/ something like Scratch
rather than a strong static C-like language! 
But he's already 11 anywayz! 

Your codes there seem to be JavaScript friendly. It'd be nice if you host them in JavaScript mode as well. 

Re: Tutee's exhibition

6 months ago
We didn't start with Scratch as 
(a) I don't like it (to be fair, it's not aimed at me)
(b) his maths is excellent
(c) he should be able to extend Processing skills to other languages

As for a halo, I expect that he hasn't heard of Simon Templar, but maybe we should have used fat lines for  Bruce Banner or added body armour for Tony Stark. [I may not know Zelda, but I know my superheroes  ] Watch this space!