Processing Forum
Hi all,

I'm new to Processing but to give you an idea of where I'm at, I have recoded the examples given in the Processing zip archive and done some Lynda.com tutorials and I'm starting to program my own sketches.

I'm still using examples right now, though. Using a map of united states sketch I recoded with some of my own features (different colors, text font and other basic stuff), now I'm trying to code a feature that when you hover the mouse over a state on the map, that a text box or pop-out box of some kind pops out and displays some data (obesity rates etc...).

Would coding it so that text is superimposed on a white rectangle that pops up be a good idea? Are there any examples online of how to go about doing this feature, any tutorials or any source code at all? The more detail, the better.

Thank you in advance.


see here

you have a mouse over when you hold the mouse still over a button
