transparent image in pdf file
Core Library Questions
2 years ago
There's something I want to do, but don't think it's possible, can someone please give me a hand?
I am creating a pdf file, with one or two images and a square. I want to have some transparency in the images and then save this to pdf. So far I have not found a way to do this.
This is the code that I thought would do;
import processing.pdf.*;
PImage img1;
void setup()
size (841, 1189);
noStroke ();
smooth ();
fill (100,230,200);
rect (100,100, width-200, height-200);
img1 = loadImage("_AAC4827_1000pix.jpeg");
tint (255, 150);
image (img1, 50, 60);
But looking at the pdf, it doesn't work…
anyone knows a way to work around this?