Touch-Scrollable list
Contributed Library Questions
1 year ago
I'm working on a project which requires drawing a list of elements, like Swing.JList, but not using Swing nor AWT. To reach this, I first tried guicomponents (, but it doesn't contain nothing similar to what I'm looking for.
Therefore, I started to 'research' with controlP5 ( In there, there's an element called ListBox, which perfectly fits my needs..or almost. My applet is oriented to be used in 100% touch-driven devices, like tablets or multitouch tables. Because of that, it's essential that the lists are scrollables by touching one of the elements and 'throwing' it upwards or downwards (like sliding the list from the elements), and so the scroll will just be used to provide feedback to the user about the current position of the list he/she is placed at (and, obviously, keeping its old functionality of moving the list).
Any ideas on how can I make a new class extending that ListBox class but which adds this functionality (this is what I'd prefer to do, because the ListBox look fits 1000000% with the rest of my interface) or something similar with another library? (or whatever you can imagine, but it's completely essential that lists acquire that touch-scrollable functionality)