Processing Forum
i've tried putting oscP5.jar in all kinds of folders, and the library is simply not found. i have the same problem with another library. 

using windows. 

is there an article that walks us through this?


What is the error you are getting?
And what folders did you try to put it in?
on this particular computer, i run the app out of: 

in preferences my sketch folder is:

so i keep moving the .jar file around to places like: H:\processing\libraries

Try adding the jar directly to the sketch. Drag and drop the file directly over the sketches window. It will let you know that "1 file was added to the sketch"
ok that seemed to work. so what am i missing here? that wasn't in the instructions, and does everyone drag their libraries in every sketch they make?
ok it looks like i'm sorted on both fronts now. thanks guys!

p.s. how do i find that article on the wiki's homepage? 
There are lot of articles listed on the wiki main page, but it is worth browsing the list.