Tip: Processing 2.0 in Eclipse with OpenGL
Integration and Hardware
1 year ago
I had a hard time finding the answer for this, so I thought I would put this here.
1. Create new Java Project.
2. Create a new folder in you project folder named "lib".
3. Right click "lib" and import
all of the files contained in: \ Processing_2.0b3 \ core \ library.
4. Shift click three jar's: core.jar, gluegen-rt.jar, & jogl-all.jar.
5. Right click one of the selected files and go to "Build Path" and then "Add to Build Path".
6. Right click on one of the new .jar's in your build path above, and go to "Build Path" and then "Configure Build Path".
7. In this menu, expand both gluegen-rt.jar and jogl-all.jar.
8. Under gluegen-rt.jar, select the Native Library Location entry and click Edit.
9. Click the "Workspace" button and navigate to your new "lib" folder containing your imports.
10. Do the same for the Native Library Location entry under jogl-all.jar.
* Also, you will need to add the import statement: import processing.opengl.*; to use OpenGL in your document. *
I hope that helps somebody out. If anything is not correct or if you have any questions, please let me know.