Processing Forum
I'm having a few issues with ControlP5. Two of them, I'm sure there are clear answers to that I just don't know.  The other is a bug (I think) that I haven't found mentioned anywhere.

1.  How do you display a label for a knob?!  I'm having trouble displaying the name of my knob.  I've tried setLabel("name"), setLabelVisible(true), and setCaptionLabel("name"), but nothing worked.  Also, why do all other controls display their names by default except for knobs?

2.  I would like to use a ListBox that appears on top of all other controls when it pulls down.   Right now, when I drop it down, if there are other controls in the drop-down area, it gets smothered by all the other controls appearing on top of it.  Do I have to use something else, like a DropDownList for this, or is there some parameter to tune?

3. (Bug?) When I add a Slider2D to a ControlGroup, the display position correctly becomes relative to the Group, but when I try to use it, it still thinks it's relative to the main window.  The mouseOver highlight, and clickEvents all correspond to the right (relative) position, but when I acutally want to drag the value, I have to click on it, then hold and grag my mouse to where controlP5 thinks it is, and move it around, controlling it at a distance.  Any ideas?

Thank you!


i can quicky answer the second one.
just create the listbox last... if it is the last controller created, its on top of the rest.
Thanks for that.  I didn't want to try that on  a whim not knowing if it'd work just because my program design makes this a bit of a pain.

Another quick question to throw out there: Is there a way to set X and Y labels for a Slider2D?
new version 0.5.7 here
1) the label for knobs disappeared indeed, thanks for pointing this out, its back with 0.5.7
2) like cedric suggests, add the listbox last. controllers are drawn first come first serve.
3) bug. fixed. 
Awesome!  It's nice to install a library that makes your program immediately better.  Thanks!