thermal printer rs232 communication
Integration and Hardware
2 years ago
I am trying to communicate with an ftp628DSL600 Fujitsu thermal printer.
As I understand it there should be no difference in programming to to more common epson printers as they both work with ESC commands.
I connected the rs232 Port from the printer to the pc via a serial to usb converter. rx is connected to tx and tx to rx(tried both ways tough) The additional /SLCTIN, /INPRM, and /ATF pin in my understanding can be used to control the hardware via a microcontroller - i hooked them up to ground.
This sample programm should initialize the printer according to the manual. Somehow nothing works.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
- myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 19200);
- // Send a capital A out the serial port:
- myPort.write(0x1B); //ESC POS command
- myPort.write('@'); //ESC POS initialize followed after command
- myPort.write("Hello World"); //Print "Hola Epson" to buffer
- myPort.write(0xA); //Print and Line Feed from B