textMode(SCREEN) not working?
Android Processing
2 years ago
I'm trying to make a HUD in android mode, and discovered that my usual method of simply using textMode(SCREEN) is not working. Here is a test sketch to demonstrate the problem:
I'm trying to make a HUD in android mode, and discovered that my usual method of simply using textMode(SCREEN) is not working. Here is a test sketch to demonstrate the problem:
PFont font ;String myString ;
void setup () {size ( screenWidth , screenHeight , P3D );font = createFont ( "SansSerif" , 10 );textFont ( font );textMode ( SCREEN );}
void draw () {myString = "Test" ;text ( myString , width / 2 , height / 2 );}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: params == null
at com.google.android.gles_jni.GLImpl.glTexParameteriv(Native Method)
at processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid3D.drawTexture(PGraphicsAndroid3D.java:6406)
at processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid3D.drawTexture(PGraphicsAndroid3D.java:5695)
at processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid3D.updatePixels(PGraphicsAndroid3D.java:5654)
at processing.core.PGraphics.text(PGraphics.java:2754)
at processing.core.PApplet.text(PApplet.java:7367)
at processing.android.test.sketch_apr27b.sketch_apr27b.draw(sketch_apr27b.java:26)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:1806)
at processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid3D$A3DRenderer.onDrawFrame(PGraphicsAndroid3D.java:7358)
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1341)
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1118)
However, when you comment out the textMode line, it works on both. Any ideas on how to keep text constantly printed in
the corner of the screen while I interact with a 3D scene would really be appreciated. Either a workaround to get
textMode(SCREEN) going, or some other method would fine. Thanks,