Text File created but no data..
Core Library Questions
10 months ago
Hello Good Day!
Please help me on getting the solution about this.The processing has an output but it is not copied on the text file.All i want is to copy the output of the preccing which is from the arduino program.The output is for example (1 2 3)...........(2 3 4).....This values is for acceleration on X Y Z axis which is program ont he arduino. Pls help me...
Thanks for the answer.
///import processing.opengl.*;
import processing.serial.*;
Serial sp;
byte[] buff; //buff input String read from serial com port
float[] r;
PrintWriter output; //to output to text file
int OFFSET_X = 0, OFFSET_Y = 0, OFFSET_Z=0;
//These offsets are chip specific, and vary.
void setup()
sp = new Serial(this, "COM6", 9600); //creating new serial communication port
buff = new byte[128];
r = new float[5];
// Create a new file in the sketch directory
output = createWriter("wew54.txt");
void draw()
int bytes = sp.readBytesUntil((byte)10, buff); //receiving the input String from the serial port
String mystr = (new String(buff, 0, bytes)).trim();
if(mystr.split(" ").length != 5)
setVals(r, mystr);
float x = r[0], y = r[1], z = r[2];
println(x+ "\t" + y + "\t" + z+"\t"); //printing to screen
output.println(x+ "\t" + y + "\t" + z+"\t");
//printing to text file
void setVals(float[] r, String s)
int i = 0;
r[0] = (float)(Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, i = s.indexOf(" ")))+OFFSET_X);
r[1] = (float)(Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i+1, i = s.indexOf(" ",i+1))) + OFFSET_Y);
r[2] = (float)(Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i+1)) + OFFSET_Z);
void keyPressed()