Processing Forum

Streaming Universe

in Share your Work  •  1 year ago  
Hi all, I want to share a tile engine I made in processing. The idea is to fly through the COSMOS survey, a 3D map of the deep Universe containing approx 1/4 million galaxies in a region of the sky roughly the size of the moon. 

The tiling engine streams images as the camera moves through the survey in the "redshift" direction (away from the observer). I am doing sort of mipmapping by hand because it was easier for me to control when to switch resolution and stream new data.

The engine is quite fast, it can seamlessly fly through the entire survey in realtime. The animation in the link below is a screencast, the most time-consuming part was saving images to disk!



Hello Miguel, thanks for posting this video, it looks really fantastic. I'm sure your tile engine could be very useful for other Processing users. Is it based on the techniques used for generate this visualization piece:  http://vimeo.com/36095013? Are you planning to release the engine as a Processing library?

Hi Andres, 

The code is very simple, I don't think I will make it a library anytime soon but I will post the code once I clean it. The animation in  http://vimeo.com/36095013 was made with Blender and the python API. I am working on a similar thing in processing but that will take a while...


Looking forward to see the Processing version of the universe flight-through animation, keep up the good work!