Storing data using an array
Programming Questions
10 months ago
Hi all,
For my class, I'm analyzing the pixels in an image and storing the coordinates of any pixel that surpasses a particular brightness threshold. I kept getting the "array index out of bounds" error, which had something to do with the number 1031 (which happens to be the dimensions of my image-- 1031x1031). I've since changed the code so my arrays are
< img.length or
img.width, but now it seems that it isn't analyzing the entire image (I make this conclusion because the ellipses I draw around these points only cover 1/4 of the image).
What I want to do:
analyze the image and
store the x,y location of any points that are >= a given brightness threshold
into a set of arrays so that I may recall these points to be used in a series of lines or vertices in the beginShape()/endShape() function.
How do I successfully store data into an array?
Here is my code:
- PImage img;
- int[] x;
- int[] y;
- int n=0;
- void setup(){
- noLoop();
- img = loadImage("backgroundpic.png");
- size(img.width,img.height);
- image(img,0,0,img.width,img.height);
- x = new int[img.width];
- y = new int[img.height];
- }
- void draw(){
- for (int a=0; a <= img.width; a++){
- for (int b=0; b <= img.height; b++){
- color c = img.get(a,b);
- float d = brightness(c);
- fill(255,0,180,13);
- noStroke();
- if (d>100 && n < y.length && n < x.length){
- ellipse (a,b,10,10);
- x[n]=a;
- y[n]=b;
- n++;
- }
- }}
- }