spyractable - a "reactable- like" modular synthesizer for multitouch tables..
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6 months ago
Hi folks! I 've just completed a small version of a reactable - like tangible interface synthesizer, using processing and its libraries (libpd, TUIO, midiBus etc.).
It is fully expandable and comes in two versions: circular (like reactable) and linear, or anyway you want it...
You can see more videos and photos and get information, as well as download it from
my blog or watch videos on
Soon, there will be further intsractions on the blog of how it works and how can be expanded, as well as fixes.
Also, if anyone has multitouch inerface table and fiducial reading established, please try it if you can and leave me comments of how it works cause i haven't fixed the table yet. This is a presentation working with simulator.
Any questions leave comments at the blog or
e-mail me...