I have an issue with an Inverse Kinematics sketch I found here:
( I attach the code below here)
So it's two arms joined together, both moving rotationally180degrees, of which the end point follows the mouse and is able to reach most points of the stage as a human arm would (upper arm, lower arm).
What I am trying to achieve is for the movement range of arm2 to overlaps arm1.
In the sketch above, the movement range is so that it never overlaps arm1.
So basically the arm2 and its movement range should be rotated 90degrees.
I attach a drawing to explain:
So A is the current sketch as on the link above, B is what I'm looking for - the arm2 to overlap arm1.
It feels like something relatively simple for someone with a sense of maths; but I just can't figure it out - I hope someone can help.
Many thanks!
- //from http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/553
- int sx,sy,ex,ey,hx,hy,hxo,hyo;
- int armLength,ua,la;
- float uad, lad;
- void setup(){
- size(500,500);
- background(255, 224, 150);
- sx = width/2;
- sy = height/2;
- armLength = int(width/5);
- }
- void draw(){
- fill(255);
- rect(0,0,width,height);
- upperArm();
- }
- void upperArm(){
- int dx = mouseX - sx;
- int dy = mouseY - sy;
- float distance = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- int a = armLength;
- int b = armLength;
- float c = min(distance, a + b);
- float B = acos((b*b-a*a-c*c)/(-2*a*c));
- float C = acos((c*c-a*a-b*b)/(-2*a*b));
- float D = atan2(dy,dx);
- float E = D + B + PI + C;
- ex = int((cos(E) * a)) + sx;
- ey = int((sin(E) * a)) + sy;
- print("UpperArm Angle= "+degrees(E)+" ");
- hx = int((cos(D+B) * b)) + ex;
- hy = int((sin(D+B) * b)) + ey;
- println("LowerArm Angle= "+degrees((D+B)));
- stroke(255,0,0,100);
- fill(240,0,0,200);
- ellipse(sx,sy,10,10);
- ellipse(ex,ey,8,8);
- ellipse(hx,hy,6,6);
- stroke(0);
- line(sx,sy,ex,ey);
- line(ex,ey,hx,hy);
- //float angle = atan2(dy, dx);
- //println("angle = " + degrees(angle))
- //ex = int((cos(angle) * r)) + sx;
- //ey = int((sin(angle) * r)) + sy;
- //line(sx,sy,ex,ey);
- }