Snowflake: Array based, customize as you see fit.
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7 months ago
Here is a program I've been working on for a few weeks that has a lot of comments for people learning processing. You can play with some settings in the beginning as well to get different results, or comment out some of the drawing functions. Enjoy.
It's not clean or beautiful code, but at the least maybe someone out there will run it then start playing around with different results.
- import processing.pdf.*;
- /*
- Snowflake
- A fractal branching program by mkanemoto
- Processing 2.0b7, Feb 22, 2013
- This is built for a single PDF output per run. The PDFs are "grainy" as heck. I run them then
- if I like the rough view in the PDF I produce the raster files by importing the PDF into Photoshop.
- The program will start with a point in the center of a square drawing. I call the points "nodes".
- Using a random function, the program will load an array of equally spaced points around the
- starting node. I call these "branches". Each parent node will then have children nodes around it.
- This first loads an array, then has some drawing functions.
- The array is filled in by moving from the start up to the very end child at the maximum level.
- The program then loads nodes around the point before moving down one level, adding a point, and
- moving back up. The program keeps going this way until it moves all the way back to the start.
- There are many ways to change the program to get different results:
- debug = will add lots of text to let you see what is happening. I recommend numberBranches = 3.
- randomized = will randomize the angle and placement of nodes so with high branch numbers things get scattered.
- randomNumberNodes = will pick a random number of children branches for each node. Otherwise uses the same.
- randomRadius = will randomize the length of the radius from a parent node.
- */
- boolean debug = false;
- boolean randomized = false;
- boolean randomNumberNodes = false;
- boolean randomRadius = false;
- // Variables for how complex a drawing
- int numberBranches = 5;
- int minNodes = 3; //this will always set an odd number
- int maxNodes = 8; //this will always set an odd number
- // Declarations
- int pagePixels;
- int arrayLength = 5000;
- int i;
- int j;
- String filename;
- // randomizing limits
- float randLow = .95;
- float randHigh = 1.05;
- float randRadiusLow = .80;
- float randRadiusHigh = 1.25;
- // node array variables
- String branchAction;
- boolean maxLevelFlag = false;
- boolean maxNodeFlag = false;
- boolean reuseFlag = false;
- // node calculation variables
- int nodes;
- int parentNode;
- float x;
- float y;
- float radius; //4 for 5 branches
- float angle = 0.0;
- // drawing varables
- float drawMod;
- PGraphics pg;
- // Declare and construct objects
- //---------------Branch-----------------
- // Creates the array
- Branch branch[] = new Branch[numberBranches] ;
- //---------------Node-----------------
- // Creates the array
- Node node[] = new Node[arrayLength] ;
- // Setup
- // -----
- void setup() {
- pagePixels = numberBranches * 150;
- radius = pagePixels / 4;
- filename = year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+" "+hour()+"-"+minute()+"-"+second()+" Snowflake.pdf";
- size(pagePixels, pagePixels, PDF, filename);
- pg = createGraphics(pagePixels, pagePixels, PDF, filename);
- pg.beginDraw();
- smooth();
- background(255,255,255,0);
- pg.endDraw();
- }
- // Draw
- void draw() {
- // All of these funtions are quite extensive, read them below.
- buildArray();
- drawAllChildToChild();
- drawChildInRing();
- drawNodeOrbits();
- drawParentToChild();
- drawNodeEllipse();
- println("DONE");
- exit();
- } // ************** Draw END **************
- void keyPressed() {
- if (key == 'q') {
- exit();
- }
- if (key == 's') {
- saveDrawing();
- }
- }
- // KeyPressed END
- void saveDrawing() {
- println("Saving...");
- filename = year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+" "+hour()+"-"+minute()+"-"+second()+"- Snowflake.pdf";
- println("Saved.");
- }
- //-------------------
- // Building the Array
- //-------------------
- void buildArray() {
- println("Branches " + numberBranches);
- //---------------Branch-----------------
- // Creates the objects and assigns them to the array
- for (i = 0; i < numberBranches; i++) {
- branch[i] = new Branch();
- }
- // Sets the first node as branch[0]
- branch[0].Branch(int((2*round(random(minNodes,maxNodes)/2))+1), radius); //int NodeNum; float radius;
- if(debug == true){
- println("Branch 0 Node #: " + branch[0].getNodeNum() );
- println("Branch 0 radius: " + branch[0].getRadius() );
- }
- // Reset arrayLength to the first node
- arrayLength = 1;
- // Sets the values for the array
- for (i = 1; i < numberBranches; i++) {
- // designed to always produce an odd number
- // branch[i].Branch(int((2*round(random(minNodes,maxNodes)/2))+1), branch[i-1].getRadius()/2); //int NodeNum; float radius;
- branch[i].Branch(int((2*round(random(minNodes,maxNodes)/2))+1), branch[i-1].getRadius()/2.075); //int NodeNum; float radius;
- if(debug == true){
- println("Branch " + i + " Node #: " + branch[i].getNodeNum() );
- println("Branch " + i + " radius: " + branch[i].getRadius() );
- }
- }
- arrayLength = node.length;
- if(debug == true){
- println("arrayLength #: " + arrayLength);
- }
- //---------------Node-----------------
- // Creates the objects and assigns them to the array
- for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- node[i] = new Node();
- }
- if(debug == true){
- println("Node Array Length #: " + node.length);
- println("");
- }
- // Clear out array
- for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- //int int branchPosition, int nodePosition, int parentReference, int nodeNumber, float nodeRadius, float theta, float x, float y, String action
- node[i].Node(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "empty");
- }
- if (debug == true) {
- println("START");
- println("");
- println("node, int branchPosition, int nodePosition, int parentReference, int nodeNumber, float nodeRadius, float theta, float x, float y, String action");
- }
- if (randomNumberNodes == false) {
- // First Node
- //int int branchPosition, int nodePosition, int parentReference, int nodeNumber, float nodeRadius, float theta, float x, float y, String action
- node[0].Node(0, 0, 0, branch[0].getNodeNum(), radius, 0.0, pagePixels/2, pagePixels/2, "up");
- } else {
- // First Node
- //int int branchPosition, int nodePosition, int parentReference, int nodeNumber, float nodeRadius, float theta, float x, float y, String action
- node[0].Node(0, 0, 0, int((2*round(random(minNodes,maxNodes)/2))+1), radius, 0.0, pagePixels/2, pagePixels/2, "up");
- }
- node[0].setNodePosition(node[0].getNodeNumber());
- if(debug == true){
- print("0, ");
- node[0].printNode();
- }
- // DETERMINE WHAT ACTIONS TO TAKE: add, up, down, reuse
- //---------------------------------------
- for (i = 1; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- // set boolean conditions ...this was for legability...
- // maxLevelFlag = was the last node at the highest branch level?
- // maxNodeFlag = was the last node at the highest node number (the last node)?
- // reuseFlag = was the last node a reuse. Or, was it a node that exists already as we move back down the tree?
- if (node[i-1].getBranchPosition() == numberBranches - 1) { // If max level
- maxLevelFlag = true;
- } else {
- maxLevelFlag = false;
- }
- if (node[i-1].getNodePosition() == node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber() ) { // If max node from parent node
- maxNodeFlag = true;
- } else {
- maxNodeFlag = false;
- }
- if (node[i-1].getAction() == "reuse") { // If reuse
- reuseFlag = true;
- } else {
- reuseFlag = false;
- }
- // Set actions based on boolean conditions
- if (maxLevelFlag == false && maxNodeFlag == false && reuseFlag == false) {
- parentNode = i - 1;
- branchAction = "up";
- }
- if (maxLevelFlag == false && maxNodeFlag == true && reuseFlag == false) {
- parentNode = i - 1;
- branchAction = "up";
- }
- if (maxLevelFlag == false && maxNodeFlag == true && reuseFlag == true) {
- if (node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodePosition() < node[node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber()) { // if parent is not max node
- parentNode = node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getParentReference();
- branchAction = "down";
- } else {
- if (node[i-1].getBranchPosition() == 0) { // if back to the start
- arrayLength = i - 1;
- println("arrayLength = " + arrayLength);
- i = node.length - 1;
- branchAction = "reuse";
- } else {
- parentNode = node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getParentReference();
- branchAction = "reuse";
- }
- }
- }
- if (maxLevelFlag == true && maxNodeFlag == false && reuseFlag == false) {
- parentNode = node[i-1].getParentReference();
- branchAction = "add";
- }
- if (maxLevelFlag == true && maxNodeFlag == true) {
- if (node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodePosition() == node[node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber()) { // if parent is max node
- parentNode = node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getParentReference();
- branchAction = "reuse";
- } else {
- parentNode = node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getParentReference();
- branchAction = "down";
- }
- }
- // ACTIONS: add, up, down, reuse
- //---------------------------------------
- // Add node at same branch level
- if (branchAction == "add") {
- // Set Parent Reference.
- node[i].setParentReference(parentNode);
- // Keep the parent node's branch level.
- node[i].setBranchPosition(node[i-1].getBranchPosition());
- // Add 1 to the node position of the previous node.
- node[i].setNodePosition(node[i-1].getNodePosition() + 1);
- //if Adding a node, NodeNumber is zero
- node[i].setNodeNumber(0);
- if (randomRadius == false) {
- node[i].setNodeRadius(branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getRadius());
- } else {
- node[i].setNodeRadius(random(randRadiusLow,randRadiusHigh)*branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getRadius());
- }
- // Set the angle by adding the Node's branch angle (2 PI / Number of nodes) to the previous node's angle.
- if (randomized == true) {
- node[i].setAngle(random(randLow,randHigh)*(node[node[i].getParentReference()].getAngle() + (node[i].getNodePosition()*(TWO_PI / node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber() ))));
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- node[i].setAngle((node[node[i].getParentReference()].getAngle() + (node[i].getNodePosition()*(TWO_PI / node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber()) )));
- }
- // Calculate and set the x, y position of the node
- if (randomized == true) {
- x = node[node[i].getParentReference()].getX() + sin(node[i].getAngle()) * random(randLow,randHigh)*node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- y = node[node[i].getParentReference()].getY() + cos(node[i].getAngle()) * random(randLow,randHigh)*node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- x = node[node[i].getParentReference()].getX() + sin(node[i].getAngle()) * node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- y = node[node[i].getParentReference()].getY() + cos(node[i].getAngle()) * node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- }
- node[i].setPosition(x, y);
- // Set action
- node[i].setAction("add");
- }
- // Go up one branch level, add node to upper branch level
- if (branchAction == "up") {
- // Set Parent Reference.
- node[i].setParentReference(parentNode);
- // Go up one branch level. Add 1 to the former node's branch level.
- node[i].setBranchPosition(node[i-1].getBranchPosition() + 1);
- // When you go up a branch the node is always 1, the starting position.
- node[i].setNodePosition(1);
- //if Maximum branch level, NodeNumber is zero
- if(node[i].getBranchPosition() == numberBranches - 1) {
- node[i].setNodeNumber(0);
- } else {
- if (randomNumberNodes == false) {
- node[i].setNodeNumber(branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getNodeNum() );
- } else {
- node[i].setNodeNumber(int((2*round(random(minNodes,maxNodes)/2))+1) );
- }
- }
- if (randomRadius == false) {
- node[i].setNodeRadius(branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getRadius());
- } else {
- node[i].setNodeRadius(random(randRadiusLow,randRadiusHigh)*branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getRadius());
- }
- // Set the angle by adding the Node's branch angle (2 PI / Number of nodes) to the previous node's angle.
- if (randomized == true) {
- node[i].setAngle(random(randLow,1.01)*(node[i-1].getAngle() + (TWO_PI / node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber() )));
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- node[i].setAngle((node[i-1].getAngle() + (TWO_PI / node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber() )));
- }
- // Calculate and set the x, y position of the node
- if (randomized == true) {
- x = node[i-1].getX() + sin(node[i].getAngle()) * random(randLow,randHigh)*node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- y = node[i-1].getY() + cos(node[i].getAngle()) * random(randLow,randHigh)*node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- x = node[i-1].getX() + sin(node[i].getAngle()) * node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- y = node[i-1].getY() + cos(node[i].getAngle()) * node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- }
- node[i].setPosition(x, y);
- // Set action
- node[i].setAction("up");
- // Set parentNode to this node
- parentNode = i;
- }
- // Go down one branch level, add node from parent at lower branch level
- if (branchAction == "down") {
- // Set Parent Reference.
- node[i].setParentReference(parentNode);
- // Keep the parent node's branch level.
- node[i].setBranchPosition(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getBranchPosition());
- // Add 1 to the parent node's position.
- node[i].setNodePosition(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodePosition() + 1);
- if (randomNumberNodes == false) {
- node[i].setNodeNumber(branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getNodeNum() );
- } else {
- node[i].setNodeNumber(int((2*round(random(minNodes,maxNodes)/2))+1) );
- }
- if (randomRadius == false) {
- node[i].setNodeRadius(branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getRadius());
- } else {
- node[i].setNodeRadius(random(randRadiusLow,randRadiusHigh)*branch[node[i].getBranchPosition()].getRadius());
- }
- // Set the angle by adding the node's branch angle (2 PI / Number of nodes) to the parent's angle.
- if (randomized == true) {
- node[i].setAngle(random(.99,1.01)*(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getAngle() + (TWO_PI / node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber() )));
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- node[i].setAngle((node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getAngle() + (TWO_PI / node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber() )));
- }
- // Calculate and set the x, y position of the node
- if (randomized == true) {
- x = node[parentNode].getX() + sin(node[i].getAngle()) * random(randLow,randHigh)*node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- y = node[parentNode].getY() + cos(node[i].getAngle()) * random(randLow,randHigh)*node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- x = node[parentNode].getX() + sin(node[i].getAngle()) * node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- y = node[parentNode].getY() + cos(node[i].getAngle()) * node[node[i].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius();
- }
- node[i].setPosition(x, y);
- // Set action
- node[i].setAction("down");
- }
- // Go down one branch level, reuse parent at lower branch level
- if (branchAction == "reuse") {
- // Set Parent Reference.
- node[i].setParentReference(parentNode);
- // Keep the parent node's branch level.
- node[i].setBranchPosition(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getBranchPosition());
- // Keep the parent node position.
- node[i].setNodePosition(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodePosition());
- // Keep the parent node number.
- node[i].setNodeNumber(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber());
- // Keep the parent node radius.
- node[i].setNodeRadius(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getNodeRadius());
- // Keep the parent angle.
- node[i].setAngle(node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getAngle());
- // Keep the parent x.
- x = node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getX();
- // Keep the parent y.
- y = node[node[i-1].getParentReference()].getY();
- // Keep the parent postition.
- node[i].setPosition(x, y);
- // Set action
- node[i].setAction("reuse");
- // set parentNode to the reused node's parent to keep it moving down
- parentNode = node[i].getParentReference();
- }
- if (debug == true) {
- // print node information
- print(i + ", ");
- node[i].printNode();
- }
- }
- // buildArray END
- }
- //-------------------
- // Drawing Functions
- //-------------------
- void drawAllChildToChild() {
- println("START: Draw line connecting all children together...");
- // Draw line connecting all children together
- for (i = 1; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- for (j = 2; j < arrayLength; j++) {
- if(node[i].getParentReference() == node[j].getParentReference() && i!= j) {
- drawMod = numberBranches-node[i].getBranchPosition()+1;
- if (randomized == true) {
- stroke(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(100,150)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(100,150)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(100,150)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255))*drawMod/numberBranches);
- strokeWeight(random(.75,1.5)*drawMod*.03);
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- stroke(10 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 200 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 200 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 255 * drawMod/numberBranches);
- strokeWeight(drawMod*.05);
- }
- pg.beginDraw();
- line (node[i].getX(), node[i].getY(), node[j].getX(), node[j].getY());
- pg.endDraw();
- }
- }
- }
- println("END: Draw line connecting all children together.");
- }
- void drawChildInRing() {
- println("START: Draw line connecting all children together in a ring...");
- // Draw line connecting all children together in a ring
- for (i = 1; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- for (j = 2; j < arrayLength; j++) {
- if( (node[i].getParentReference() == node[j].getParentReference() && node[i].getNodePosition() + 1 == node[j].getNodePosition())
- ||
- (node[i].getParentReference() == node[j].getParentReference() && (node[i].getNodePosition() == 1
- && node[j].getNodePosition() == node[node[j].getParentReference()].getNodeNumber()))
- )
- {
- drawMod = numberBranches-node[i].getBranchPosition()+1;
- if (randomized == true) {
- stroke(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(215,255))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(125,150))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(25,75))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255))*drawMod/numberBranches);
- strokeWeight(random(.75,1.25)*drawMod*.0625);
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- stroke(250 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 166 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 52 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 255 * drawMod/numberBranches);
- strokeWeight(drawMod*.0625);
- }
- pg.beginDraw();
- line (node[i].getX(), node[i].getY(), node[j].getX(), node[j].getY());
- pg.endDraw();
- }
- }
- }
- println("END: Draw line connecting all children together in a ring.");
- }
- void drawParentToChild() {
- println("START: Draw line connecting parent node to child node...");
- // Draw line connecting parent node to child node
- for (i = 1; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- if(node[i].getAction() != "reuse") {
- drawMod = numberBranches-node[i].getBranchPosition()+1;
- if (randomized == true) {
- stroke(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(0,50)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(0,150)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255))*drawMod/numberBranches); //blue
- strokeWeight(random(.75,1.5)*drawMod*.125);
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- stroke(0,
- 127 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 195 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 255 * drawMod/numberBranches); //blue
- strokeWeight(drawMod*.125);
- }
- pg.beginDraw();
- line (node[i].getX(), node[i].getY(), node[node[i].getParentReference()].getX(), node[node[i].getParentReference()].getY());
- pg.endDraw();
- }
- }
- println("END: Draw line connecting parent node to child node.");
- }
- void drawNodeOrbits() {
- println("START: Draw ellipse at each node with radius...");
- // Draw ellipse at each node
- for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- if(node[i].getAction() != "reuse") {
- drawMod = (numberBranches - node[i].getBranchPosition())*1.5;
- // Fill
- if (randomized == true) {
- fill(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(5,125)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(175,255)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(5,125)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(30,50))*drawMod/numberBranches); //green
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- fill(127 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 255 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 50 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 40 * drawMod/numberBranches);
- }
- // Stroke
- if (randomized == true) {
- stroke(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(0,125)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(0,125)),
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(225,255))*drawMod/numberBranches); //green
- strokeWeight(random(.75,1.5)*drawMod*.0625);
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- stroke(63 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 127 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 25 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 255 * drawMod/numberBranches);
- strokeWeight(drawMod*.0625);
- }
- pg.beginDraw();
- ellipse(node[i].getX(), node[i].getY(), node[i].getNodeRadius(), node[i].getNodeRadius());
- pg.endDraw();
- }
- }
- println("END: Draw ellipse at each node with radius.");
- }
- void drawNodeEllipse() {
- println("START: Draw ellipse at each node...");
- // Draw ellipse at each node
- for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < numberBranches; j++) {
- if (node[i].getBranchPosition()==j){
- if(node[i].getAction() != "reuse") {
- drawMod = (numberBranches - node[i].getBranchPosition());
- // Fill
- if (randomized == true) {
- fill(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(100,150))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(25,75))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255))*drawMod/numberBranches); //green
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- fill(127 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 255 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 50 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 250 * drawMod/numberBranches);
- }
- // Stroke
- if (randomized == true) {
- stroke(random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(0,50))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(100,150))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(0,50))*drawMod/numberBranches,
- random(randLow,randHigh)*round(random(200,255))*drawMod/numberBranches); //green
- strokeWeight(random(.75,1.5)*drawMod*.0625);
- }
- if (randomized == false) {
- stroke(63 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 127 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 25 * drawMod/numberBranches,
- 250 * drawMod/numberBranches);
- strokeWeight(drawMod*.0625);
- }
- pg.beginDraw();
- ellipse(node[i].getX(), node[i].getY(),pow(drawMod,1.5),pow(drawMod,1.5));
- pg.endDraw();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- println("END: Draw ellipse at each node.");
- }
- // ---------------
- // ---------------
- public class Node{
- // the first letter of a class name should be capitalized
- // the class has fields
- // for fields, spell the first word lowercase, capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word
- // --------------------------
- // these are private and you use the get Methods to return the public values
- // private float radius, theta, x, y, action;
- int branchPosition, nodePosition, parentReference, nodeNumber;
- float theta, x, y, nodeRadius;
- String action;
- // the class has constructors
- // --------------------------
- public void Node(int startBranchPosition, int startNodePosition, int startParentReference, int startNodeNumber, float startNodeRadius, float startAngle, float startX, float startY, String startAction) {
- branchPosition = startBranchPosition;
- nodePosition = startNodePosition;
- parentReference = startParentReference;
- nodeNumber = startNodeNumber;
- nodeRadius = startNodeRadius;
- theta = startAngle;
- x = startX;
- y = startY;
- action = startAction;
- }
- // the class has methods
- // the first (or only) word in a method name should be a verb
- // --------------------------
- // ---------SET and GET------------
- public int getBranchPosition() {
- return branchPosition;
- }
- public void setBranchPosition(int newValue) {
- branchPosition = newValue;
- }
- public int getNodePosition() {
- return nodePosition;
- }
- public void setNodePosition(int newValue) {
- nodePosition = newValue;
- }
- public int getParentReference() {
- return parentReference;
- }
- public void setParentReference(int newValue) {
- parentReference = newValue;
- }
- public int getNodeNumber() {
- return nodeNumber;
- }
- public void setNodeNumber(int newValue) {
- nodeNumber = newValue;
- }
- public float getNodeRadius() {
- return nodeRadius;
- }
- public void setNodeRadius(float newValue) {
- nodeRadius = newValue;
- }
- public float getAngle() {
- return theta;
- }
- public void setAngle(float newValue) {
- theta = newValue;
- }
- public float getX() {
- return (x);
- }
- public float getY() {
- return (y);
- }
- public void setPosition(float newX, float newY) {
- x = newX;
- y = newY;
- }
- public String getAction() {
- return action;
- }
- public void setAction(String newValue) {
- action = newValue;
- }
- public void printNode() {
- println(branchPosition + ", " + nodePosition + ", " + parentReference + ", " + nodeNumber + ", " + nodeRadius + ", " + theta + ", " + x + ", " + y + ", " + action);
- }
- }
- public class Branch{
- // the first letter of a class name should be capitalized
- // the class has fields
- // for fields, spell the first word lowercase, capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word
- // --------------------------
- // these are private and you use the get Methods to return the public values
- // private float radius, theta, x, y;
- int NodeNum;
- float radius;
- // the class has constructors
- // --------------------------
- public void Branch(int startNodeNum, float startRadius) {
- NodeNum = startNodeNum;
- radius = startRadius;
- }
- // the class has methods
- // the first (or only) word in a method name should be a verb
- // --------------------------
- // ---------SET and GET------------
- public int getNodeNum() {
- return NodeNum;
- }
- public void setNodeNum(int newValue) {
- NodeNum = newValue;
- }
- public float getRadius() {
- return radius;
- }
- public void setRadius(float newValue) {
- radius = newValue;
- }
- }