smooth() function not working with colored points
Programming Questions
3 months ago
I'm trying to recreate a
dot density population map by plotting hundreds of thousands of geocoded points from an external csv file (with a strokeWeight( < 1)). Anti-aliasing is an important part of making such a map to illustrate population density (high density = dark, low density = light). I'm able to do this fine with the smooth() function, but if I wanted to color code the points by some value (using the stroke() function) Processing ignores smooth(). To show what I'm talking about:
I'm using Processing 1.5.1 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I've also tried using Processing 2.0.1 for 64-bit Windows but I can't reproduce the anti-aliasing effect at all.
My code is below (modified from
Brandon Martin-Anderson's original project)
Copy code
- BufferedReader reader;
- double ll, bb, rr, tt;
- float A = 1000.0;
- GlobalMercator proj = new GlobalMercator(); //From an external file
- class PersonPoint {
- double x, y;
- String quadnode;
- PersonPoint(String row) {
- String[] fields = split(row, ",");
- this.x = Double.parseDouble(fields[1])/A;
- this.y = Double.parseDouble(fields[2])/A;
- this.quadnode = fields[3];
- }
- void draw(PGraphics pg) {
- pg.point((float)this.x, (float)this.y);
- }
- }
- ArrayList people;
- float pointWeight(int level) {
- switch(level) {
- case 4:
- return 0.05333;
- case 5:
- return 0.08;
- case 6:
- return 0.12;
- case 7:
- return 0.18;
- case 8:
- return 0.27;
- case 9:
- return 0.405;
- case 10:
- return 0.6075;
- case 11:
- return 0.91125;
- case 12:
- return 1.366875;
- case 13:
- return 2.0503125;
- case 14:
- return 3.07546875;
- case 15:
- return 4.61320312;
- case 16:
- return 6.9198046;
- case 17:
- return 10.37970;
- default:
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- void setup(){
- size(512, 512, P3D);
- smooth();
- String[] zoomlevels = loadStrings(".../zoomlevel.txt"); //External zoomlevel file (e.g. "4","5"...etc.)
- for ( int i=0; i<zoomlevels.length; i++ ) {
- int level = int(zoomlevels[i]);
- println( "loading..." );
- reader = createReader( "data_file.csv" );
- try {
- String line;
- String quadkey = "";
- PGraphics pg = null;
- PVector tms_tile = null;
- int rown = 0;
- while (true) {
- line = reader.readLine();
- if (line==null || line.length()==0) {
- println( "file done" );
- break;
- }
- rown += 1;
- if (rown % 100000 == 0) {
- println( rown );
- }
- String[] fields = split(line, ",");
- float px = float(fields[1])/A;
- float py = float(fields[2])/A;
- String newQuadkey = fields[3].substring(0, level);
- String race_type = fields[4].substring(0, 1);
- if ( !newQuadkey.equals( quadkey ) ) {
- //finish up the last tile
- if (pg!=null) {
- pg.endDraw();
- PVector gtile = proj.GoogleTile((int)tms_tile.x, (int)tms_tile.y, level);
- println( ".../tiles/"+level+"/"+int(gtile.x)+"/"+int(gtile.y)+".png" );
- ".../tiles/"+level+"/"+int(gtile.x)+"/"+int(gtile.y)+".png" );
- println( "done" );
- }
- quadkey = newQuadkey;
- PVector google_tile = proj.QuadKeyToTileXY( newQuadkey );
- tms_tile = proj.GoogleTile( (int)google_tile.x, (int)google_tile.y, level );
- println( level+" "+tms_tile.x+" "+tms_tile.y );
- pg = createGraphics(512, 512, P3D);
- pg.beginDraw();
- pg.smooth();
- PVector[] bounds = proj.TileBounds( (int)tms_tile.x, (int)tms_tile.y, level );
- float tile_ll = bounds[0].x/A;
- float tile_bb = bounds[0].y/A;
- float tile_rr = bounds[1].x/A;
- float tile_tt = bounds[1].y/A;
- double xscale = width/(tile_rr-tile_ll);
- double yscale = width/(tile_tt-tile_bb);
- float scale = min((float)xscale, (float)yscale);
- pg.scale(scale, -scale);
- pg.translate(-(float)tile_ll, -(float)tile_tt);
- pg.strokeWeight(pointWeight(level));
- pg.background(255);
- }
- // This is where I create the points
- if (race_type.equals("w")) {
- pg.stroke(115,178,255);
- pg.point(px, py);
- }
- if (race_type.equals("b")) {
- pg.stroke(159,212,0);
- pg.point(px, py);
- }
- if (race_type.equals("a")) {
- pg.stroke(255,0,0);
- pg.point(px, py);
- }
- if (race_type.equals("h")) {
- pg.stroke(255,170,0);
- pg.point(px, py);
- }
- if (race_type.equals("o")) {
- pg.stroke(137,90,68);
- pg.point(px, py);
- }
- }
- if (pg!=null) {
- pg.endDraw();
- PVector gtile = proj.GoogleTile((int)tms_tile.x, (int)tms_tile.y, level);
- ".../tiles/"+level+"/"+int(gtile.x)+"/"+int(gtile.y)+".png" );
- println( "done" );
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- //e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- void draw() {
- }