This is based on the slit-scan example from
I have 2 problems; the program quits on me before it reaches the end due to this error,
I have 2 problems; the program quits on me before it reaches the end due to this error,
which I can't figure out how to debug:
java(9270,0xac90e2c0) malloc: *** error for object 0x11542c0: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
and would there be any clever way of actually outputting a very wide file
of the entire process, without having a window-size of say 8000 pixels?
Copy code
- import*;
- Movie myVideo;
- int video_width = 300;
- int video_height = 400;
- int video_slice_x;
- // length of output file
- int window_width = 8000;
- int window_height = video_height;
- int draw_position_x = 0;
- boolean newFrame = false;
- int lastTimeCheck;
- int timeIntervalFlag = 2500;
- void setup() {
- myVideo = new Movie(this, "");
- size(window_width, window_height, P2D);
- background(0);
- myVideo.loop();
- lastTimeCheck = millis();
- }
- void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) {
- newFrame = true;
- }
- void draw() {
- if (newFrame) {
- loadPixels();
- for (int y=0; y<window_height; y++){
- if ( millis() > lastTimeCheck + timeIntervalFlag ) {
- lastTimeCheck = millis();
- video_slice_x = int(random(60,255));
- }
- int setPixelIndex = y*window_width + draw_position_x;
- int getPixelIndex = y*video_width + video_slice_x;
- pixels[setPixelIndex] = myVideo.pixels[getPixelIndex];
- }
- updatePixels();
- draw_position_x++;
- if (draw_position_x >= window_width) {
- // saveFrame when it reaches the desired length
- saveFrame("line-####.tif");
- exit();
- }
- newFrame = false;
- }
- }