Then it is good practice to tell you made your search prior asking, lot of people just omit this step (the search).
Anyway, when I answered, I looked in my own sketches if I had something like that. I found out a chronometer, it should be quite easy to change it to count down instead of up.
- int startingTime;
- final String format = "This timer has been running for {0,number,integer} days " +
- "{1,number,integer} hours {2,number,integer} minutes " +
- "and {3,number,integer} seconds";
- final String prefix = "This timer has been running for ";
- void setup()
- {
- size(1000, 200);
- PFont font = loadFont("AmericanTypewriter-24.vlw");
- textFont(font);
- frameRate(1);
- startingTime = millis();
- // For tests
- // startingTime = millis() - 1000*(60*60*23 + 60*59 + 50);
- // Remove title bar
- // Esc to close the window
- frame.removeNotify();
- frame.setUndecorated(true);
- frame.addNotify();
- }
- void draw()
- {
- background(#99EEAA);
- int seconds = (millis() - startingTime) / 1000;
- int minutes = seconds / 60;
- int hours = minutes / 60;
- int days = hours / 24;
- // println(">H " + hours + " M " + minutes + " S " + seconds);
- seconds -= minutes * 60;
- minutes -= hours * 60;
- hours -= days * 24;
- // println("=H " + hours + " M " + minutes + " S " + seconds);
- //~ String message = MessageFormat.format(format,
- //~ days,
- //~ hours,
- //~ minutes,
- //~ seconds
- //~ );
- String message = prefix +
- GetPlural(days, "day") + " " +
- GetPlural(hours, "hour") + " " +
- GetPlural(minutes, "minute") + " and " +
- GetPlural(seconds, "second");
- stroke(#0000FF);
- fill(#224488);
- text(message, 22, 102);
- fill(#9977EE);
- text(message, 20, 100);
- // println(message);
- }
- String GetPlural(int value, String word)
- {
- if (value == 1)
- return value + " " + word;
- // Ad hoc for current sketch,
- // I have something more elaborate for irregular plurals
- return value + " " + word + "s";
- }
- void keyPressed()
- {
- startingTime = millis();
- // Also prevent direct exit from Escape key, ask confirmation first
- if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
- {
- key = 0;
- exit(0);
- }
- }
Trimmed out some fluff, I hope it is still working...