Serial library difficulties
Core Library Questions
1 year ago
I know a similar question has been asked before, but the reply doesn't seem to be of any help in my instance. I'm using an arduino mega to control some external apparatus, and want to communicate with it via processing on a Win7 machine (64bit). So I downloaded and installed the processing prog OK, but it doesn't seem to want to find the serial library. I can find it manually myself easily enough, if I look in \processing-1.5.1\modes\java\libraries\serial hey presto! There it is. However, in the text window, if I type:
import processing.serial.*;
I should expect to see a list of available COM ports. Instead I get the error message "Can't find anything named "serial". I vaguely recall something about having to import the library into the sketchbook area in order to get it to work, but there doesn't seem to be any straightforward way to do this. Can anyone advise, or prod me in the direction of a FAQsheet, tutorial, or whatever?