Script won't recognize pattern - because of wrong cam resolution?
Contributed Library Questions
10 months ago
After i set a HD cam for higher resulted image, my script doesn't recognize the patterns anymore. It works well with my built in isight cam.
Can anyone find the problem?
// Processing 1.5.1 + NyARToolkit 1.1.6 + GSVideo 1.0
import*; // for the loadPatternFilenames() function
import processing.opengl.*; // for OPENGL rendering
import jp.nyatla.nyar4psg.*; // the NyARToolkit Processing library
import codeanticode.gsvideo.*; // the GSVideo library
import*; //neue kamera
// a central location is used for the camera_para.dat and pattern files, so you don't have to copy them to each individual sketch
// Make sure to change both the camPara and the patternPath String to where the files are on YOUR computer
// the full path to the camera_para.dat file
String camPara = "/Users/mariushertel/Documents/Processing/libraries/nyar4psg/data/camera_para.dat";
// the full path to the .patt pattern files
String patternPath = "/Users/mariushertel/Desktop/BLM/tools/patternMaker/examples/ARToolKit_Patterns";
// the dimensions at which the AR will take place. with the current library 1280x720 is about the highest possible resolution.
int arWidth = 960;
int arHeight = 540;
// the number of pattern markers (from the complete list of .patt files) that will be detected, here the first 10 from the list.
int numMarkers = 10;
// the resolution at which the mountains will be displayed
int resX = 60;
int resY = 60;
// this is a 2 dimensional float array that all the displayed mountains use during their update-to-draw routine
float[][] val = new float[resX][resY];
Capture cam;
MultiMarker nya;
float[] scaler = new float[numMarkers];
float[] noiseScale = new float[numMarkers];
float[] mountainHeight = new float[numMarkers];
float[] mountainGrowth = new float[numMarkers];
void setup() {
size(960, 540, OPENGL); // the sketch will resize correctly, so for example setting it to 1920 x 1080 will work as well
String[] cameras = Capture.list(); //make list which cams and resolutions are available
cam = new Capture(this, cameras[16]); // initializing the webcam capture at a specific resolution (correct/possible settings depends on YOUR webcam)
cam.start(); // start capturing
noStroke(); // turn off stroke for the rest of this sketch :-)
// create a new MultiMarker at a specific resolution (arWidth x arHeight), with the default camera calibration and coordinate system
nya = new MultiMarker(this, arWidth, arHeight, camPara, NyAR4PsgConfig.CONFIG_DEFAULT);
// set the delay after which a lost marker is no longer displayed. by default set to something higher, but here manually set to immediate.
String[] patterns = loadPatternFilenames(patternPath);
// for the selected number of markers, add the marker for detection
// create an individual scale, noiseScale and maximum mountainHeight for that marker (= mountain)
for (int i=0; i<numMarkers; i++) {
nya.addARMarker("/Users/mariushertel/Desktop/BLM/tools/patternMaker/examples/ARToolKit_Patterns/01.patt", 80);
scaler[i] = random(0.8, 1.9); // scaled a little smaller or bigger
noiseScale[i] = random(0.02, 0.075); // the perlin noise scale to make it look nicely mountainy
mountainHeight[i] = random(75, 250); // the maximum height of a mountain
void draw() {
// if there is a cam image coming in...
if (cam.available()) {; // read the cam image
background(cam); // a background call is needed for correct display of the marker results
image(cam, 0, 0); // display the image at the width and height of the sketch window
// create a copy of the cam image at the resolution of the AR detection (otherwise nya.detect will throw an assertion error!)
PImage cSmall = cam.get();
cSmall.resize(arWidth, arHeight);
nya.detect(cSmall); // detect markers in the image
drawMountains(); // draw dynamically flowing mountains on the detected markers (3D)
// this function draws correctly placed 3D 'mountains' on top of detected markers
// while the mountains are displayed they grow (up to a certain point), while not displayed they return to the zero-state
void drawMountains() {
// set the AR perspective uniformly, this general point-of-view is the same for all markers
// turn on some general lights (without lights it also looks pretty cool, try commenting it out!)
// for all the markers...
for (int i=0; i<numMarkers; i++) {
// if the marker does NOT exist (the ! exlamation mark negates it)...
if ((!nya.isExistMarker(i))) {
// if the mountainGrowth is higher than zero, decrease by 0.05 (return to the zero-state), then continue to the next marker
if (mountainGrowth[i] > 0) {
mountainGrowth[i] -= 0.05;
// the following code is only reached and run if the marker DOES EXIST
// if the mountainGrowth is lower than 1, increase by 0.03
if (mountainGrowth[i] < 1) {
mountainGrowth[i] += 0.03;
// the double for loop below sets the values in the 2 dimensional float array for this mountain, based on it's noiseScale, mountainHeight and index (i).
float xoff = 0.0;
for (int x=0; x<resX; x++) {
xoff += noiseScale[i];
float yoff = 0;
for (int y=0; y<resY; y++) {
yoff += noiseScale[i];
val[x][y] = noise(i*10+xoff+frameCount*0.05, yoff) * mountainHeight[i]; // this sets the value
float distance = dist(x, y, resX/2, resY/2);
distance = map(distance, 0, resX/2, 1, 0);
if (distance < 0) {
distance = -distance;
} // this line causing the four corners to flap upwards (try commenting it out or setting it to zero)
val[x][y] *= distance; // in the default case this makes the value approach zero towards the outer ends (try commenting it out to see the difference)
// get the Matrix for this marker and use it (through setMatrix)
scale(1, -1); // turn things upside down to work intuitively for Processing users
scale(scaler[i]); // scale the mountain by it's individual scaler
translate(-resX/2, -resY/2); // translate to center the mountain on the marker
// for the full resolution...
for (int x=0; x<resX-1; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<resY-1; y++) {
// each face is a Shape with a fill color, together they make a colored mountain
fill(x*20+y*20, 255-x*5, y*5);
vertex(x, y, val[x][y] * mountainGrowth[i]);
vertex((x+1), y, val[x+1][y] * mountainGrowth[i]);
vertex((x+1), (y+1), val[x+1][y+1] * mountainGrowth[i]);
vertex(x, (y+1), val[x][y+1] * mountainGrowth[i]);
// reset to the default perspective
// this function loads .patt filenames into a list of Strings based on a full path to a directory (relies on
String[] loadPatternFilenames(String path) {
File folder = new File(path);
FilenameFilter pattFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".patt");
return folder.list(pattFilter);