Scene - Background subtraction and TUIO
Library and Tool Development
2 years ago
Scene is a standalone application that implements the widespread TUIO protocol. For each detected foreground object, Scene sends a TUIO cursor message and a TUIO blob message to the client application. The cursor message carries the center of mass position, velocity and acceleration values. The blob message carries the bounding box position, size, velocity and acceleration values, and the area of the blob.
The framework includes a set of clients which serve as a starting point for the development of interactive applications. They are slight extensions to the existing TUIO 1.0 clients that also handle TUIO blobs, and include a SceneBlob class that simplifies object tracking and analysis. Example clients are available for Java and Processing.
The Scene application presently runs and compiles under the Windows operating system. Ports to Mac OS and Linux are planned for the future.
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