I have a renbotics.com 16 servo control shield attached to an arduino uno. It is working fine but I need it to be able to make alterations to the servo behavior on the fly or possibly have someone with no experience do the altering.
I designed in a bunch of knobs to control aspects of the servos behaviour but I was wondering if it could be possible to write a control panel using maybe controlP5 and do the changes that way where basically my arduino code was run in processing instead and the arduino was just set up to receive and execute the data.
I have never looked into interfacing processing with arduino when a shield with arduino libraries are involved.
Does this seem doable or is it a huge ordeal to accomplish???
The benefit to going this route is that I would not be limited to a specific sketch. I could have multiple programs for multiple servo behaviors and have a control panel that can make adjustments on the fly.
The shield uses a library called servoshield.h and receives commands such as:
servos.setposition(1, pos[1]); which simply moves the servo #1 to pos[1]
Could firmata work in conjunction with this library