I have the former working nicely"
Good! What is the problem, then?
but am stuck otherwise"
Stuck where? What is "otherwise"?
Is it best to"
The "best" way is the way working as you want...
Sometime, you have to do a translation, rotation then translation, particularly when you want to rotate at a given point of a shape.
Otherwise, translate() then rotate() is enough.
- int shapeW = 150;
- int shapeH = 100;
- void setup()
- {
- size (600, 600);
- smooth();
- noStroke();
- ellipseMode(CENTER);
- }
- float angle;
- void draw ()
- {
- background (255);
- // Do the rotation
- rotate(radians(angle++));
- fill(#00AA00);
- // x, y always 0 since translations do the job of placing
- rect(0, 0, shapeW, shapeH);
- // Mark the rotation point
- fill(#FF0000);
- ellipse(0, 0, 8, 8);
- // Mark the bottom-rigth corner
- fill(#0000FF);
- ellipse(shapeW-1, shapeH-1, 8, 8);
- }
The rectangle rotates around its top-left corner, in the top-left corner of the sketch.
Now, let's rotate the shape in a point a third of its width / height:
- void draw ()
- {
- background (255);
- // Do the rotation
- rotate(radians(angle++));
- // A translation to change the rotation point in the shape
- float rotX = shapeW / 3;
- float rotY = shapeH / 3;
- translate(-rotX, -rotY);
- fill(#00AA00);
- // x, y always 0 since translations do the job of placing
- rect(0, 0, shapeW, shapeH);
- // Mark the rotation point
- fill(#FF0000);
- ellipse(rotX, rotY, 8, 8);
- // Mark the bottom-rigth corner
- fill(#0000FF);
- ellipse(shapeW-1, shapeH-1, 8, 8);
- }
You can then do the rotation anywhere in the sketch:
- void draw ()
- {
- background (255);
- // Move the origin to the point where we want the rotation to occur
- translate(width / 3, height / 3);
- // Do the rotation
- rotate(radians(angle++));
- // A translation to change the rotation point in the shape
- float rotX = shapeW / 3;
- float rotY = shapeH / 3;
- translate(-rotX, -rotY);
- fill(#00AA00);
- // x, y always 0 since translations do the job of placing
- rect(0, 0, shapeW, shapeH);
- // Mark the center point
- fill(#FF0000);
- ellipse(rotX, rotY, 8, 8);
- // Mark the bottom-rigth corner
- fill(#0000FF);
- ellipse(shapeW-1, shapeH-1, 8, 8);
- }
You can put the rotation point outside of the shape:
- float rotX = -shapeW / 3;
- float rotY = -shapeH / 3;
And so on.