Robot Class in processing
Contributed Library Questions
1 year ago
Hi Everyone,
I've used the kinect to follow my hand and use the robot class to control the mouse, but its limitation is that once my hand reachs the top of the sketch it wont go further.
I know you can fullscreen your sketch, but is it possible to make it completly transparent/ or a way to lay it under the desktop so i can still inter act with everything?
i've missed out the kinect callback stuff and my other class's this is where the main magic happens,
I was thinking a way to increase the movement generated by the skech to the cursor how would i approch it ?
Thank you for looking and any help would be great!
Mirror is set true
I've used the kinect to follow my hand and use the robot class to control the mouse, but its limitation is that once my hand reachs the top of the sketch it wont go further.
I know you can fullscreen your sketch, but is it possible to make it completly transparent/ or a way to lay it under the desktop so i can still inter act with everything?
i've missed out the kinect callback stuff and my other class's this is where the main magic happens,
I was thinking a way to increase the movement generated by the skech to the cursor how would i approch it ?
- void drawHands(){
int userId = calibratedUserID;
//make a vector to store the left hand
PVector rightHand = new PVector();
//put the position of the left hand into the vector
float confidence = kinect.getJointPositionSkeleton(userId, SimpleOpenNI.SKEL_LEFT_HAND, rightHand);
//convert the detected hand postion, to projective co-ords, that match the depth image
PVector convertedRightHand = new PVector();
kinect.convertRealWorldToProjective(rightHand, convertedRightHand);
//display it
ellipse(convertedRightHand.x, convertedRightHand.y, 10, 10);
mouseX = int(convertedRightHand.x) ;
mouseY = int(convertedRightHand.y) ;
robby.mouseMove(mouseX, mouseY);
Thank you for looking and any help would be great!
Mirror is set true