Processing Forum
physics.removeBehaviour() lets me specify a behaviour but how do i reference all behaviours current in the sketch.

I have lots of Attraction Behaviours being created causing the particles to be attracted no problem but i want a keypress to remove all so that the particles will have no attraction and just drop.

Im struggling to figure the syntax using the javadocs.


You can just remove all behaviors...
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  1.   for (int i=physics.behaviors.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
  2.     physics.removeBehavior(physics.behaviors.get(i));
  3.   }

physics.behaviours.size cannot be resolved or is not a field.
Make sure to copy-paste or type accurately. Behaviors is without u and size is with brackets ().
Here's an slightly different form from above:  
for (int i=physics.behaviors.size(); i!=0; 
physics.removeBehavior( physics.behaviors.get(--i) ));

Or even easier:
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  1. physics.behaviors.clear();
As a general tip for making more sense of the toxiclibs API, I really recommend reading up on the Java Collections API, which is heavily used throughout the library and familiarity with it will make your life just so much easier...

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