Programming Questions
4 months ago
Hi all, I am having some trouble for sometime now with this matter:
I am using a "beginShape(QUAD_STRIP)..." command to make a cylinder.
I have setup the code to modify the top/bottom radius, as well as the number of sides.
Is there a way for this quad strip to appear smooth?
For now the way i build the strip is:
- beginShape(QUAD_STRIP);
- for(i=0;i<=sides;i++){
- vertex(bottomRadius*cos(angle), 0, bottomRadius*sin(angle));
- vertex(topRadius*cos(angle), -height, topRadius*sin(angle));
- }
- endShape();
so the vertex goes bottom[1] -> top[1] -> bottom[2] -> top[2]->b[3]->t[3]->b[4]->t[4]->... and so on.
The result is not smooth.
The surfaces have distinct edges.
Is there a way to bypass that by another arrangement of vertex series inside the "
beginShape" command, given the same vertex group?
Any help appreciated!