PushStyle doesn't work.. What is the problem?
Programming Questions
1 year ago
Before talking my problem, I'm Korean. So Maybe, There were wrong sentences. But please help me. :)
I want to use pushStyle(), and popStyle().
And I read all of things in "
It said that pushStyle can manipulate textFont() and fill() etc.
In my source, pushStyle can manipulate fill().
But!! pushStyle can not manipulate textFont(). :(
Help me, please. :)
- PFont font_subject;
- void setup()
- {
- size(300, 300);
- font_subject = loadFont("Algerian-48.vlw");
- }
- void draw()
- {
- background(120);
- pushStyle();
- textAlign(CENTER, TOP);
- fill(80);
- textFont(font_subject);
- text("abcdefg",width/2, 10);
- popStyle();
- text("hijklmn", 50, 150);
- }
While I find the solution in Internet, I find something looks like solution. Although it is URL, please read it. It is short. :)
In this page, the last sentence -
I added textFont() to the pushStyle() reference. -
maybe a solution. But I can't understand what it is meaning..