Processing Forum
Bit of a newbie, I've been on and off processing for a while, but I'm struggling to find an old PShape example for something I'd like to explore.

I'd like to use live audio input with the minim library to step through and build a vector shape, so the louder the sound the more of the image is built.

I remember seeing a library example I think that used your mouse position to scroll therough all the elements that built the example bot.svg file but I can't find it now.

Also any pointers on how to make this as simple as possible would be super helpful, or any related examples I could take a peak at. Some of the googleing I've done has brought up a lot more complex FFT stuff that's probably best saved for a bit later.

It would be cool though to almost have the possibility to set a graphic 'release time'  so that the audio peak allows the image to decay a bit slower to audio amplitude.

Any help or advice would be awesome.




The example is from the Geomerative library, tutorials 12-14 about splitting Shapes.

thank you!

that's the one. cheers for pointing me in the right direction. k