proMidi 2.0 issues. Any alternatives?
Contributed Library Questions
10 months ago
I've been trying to get proMidi working with a MIDI controller, and after a lot of tedious testing I finally have it working with my padKontrol. However, I'm encountering an issue that I can't seem to find anywhere else; whenever I press something on the padKontrol, my sketch detects 3 noteOn events, despite the fact that MIDI-OX only detects one. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Are there any other MIDI libraries that I could use instead of proMIDI?
My code is as follows:
- import promidi.*;
- MidiIO midiIO;
- void setup(){
- size(128*5,128*5);
- smooth();
- background(0);
- midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance(this);
- midiIO.printDevices();
- midiIO.plug(this,"noteOn",9,9);
- }
- void draw(){
- fill(255,20);
- rect(0,0,128*5,128*5);
- }
- void noteOn(Note note){
- int vel = note.getVelocity();
- int pit = note.getPitch();
- println(vel+" "+ pit);
- }
And here's an example of the output from Processing and from MIDI-OX (Processing top, MIDI-OX below):
- 127 61
- 64 61
- 64 61
- 001233D1 10 -- 99 3D 7F 10 C# 4 Note On
- 00123415 10 -- 89 3D 40 10 C# 4 Note Off
EDIT: I'm monitoring all available MIDI-channels with MIDI-OX, by the way. Also, not sure why the question posted three times, apologies.