Imagine that I'm doing a processing Sketch, working with some lines, creating a visual like this :
then i have the idea to video project my Sketch to a real object, lets say a polygon object ( i want only to project over the object and not have a 4:3 image) so I'll do a mask like this :
and then, i will use only the white parts of my mask to reveal the Sketch, and I'll have a video projection like this:
i know how to do this with differents softwares, but how to do it within a processing Sketch?
Can someone ever try to do mapping projections with processing?
Can someone guide me to some code?
Imagine that I'm doing a processing Sketch, working with some lines, creating a visual like this :
then i have the idea to video project my Sketch to a real object, lets say a polygon object ( i want only to project over the object and not have a 4:3 image) so I'll do a mask like this :
and then, i will use only the white parts of my mask to reveal the Sketch, and I'll have a video projection like this:
i know how to do this with differents softwares, but how to do it within a processing Sketch?
Can someone ever try to do mapping projections with processing?
Can someone guide me to some code?