Processing Version of Snake
Integration and Hardware
2 years ago
have started making my first real processing/arduino project, so far i borrowed the source code for an unfinished version of snake and then adapted it to work with arduino so the 2 can talk to each other and the game can be controlled by a physical object thats not a keyboard or mouse. so its all going quite well except that i can't seem to be able to make the snake die, its getting quite messy, because i don't want to hardcode it to say if you hit your tal die for each new segment that is created. so i need to write an algorithm that can work out how many segments the snake is made of and where they all are so that if the head hits one of them it ends the game.
anyway here is my source code
- import processing.serial.*;
- Serial myPort;
- ArrayList ellipseList;
- Ellipse head;
- int SEGMENT_SIZE = 20;
- int dir;
- int prevPosX, prevPosY;
- PFont f;
- String mesaj="";
- boolean ok=false;
- Ellipse food;
- void setup()
- {
- size(1274, 798);
- String portName = Serial.list()[0];
- myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
- ellipseList = new ArrayList();
- head = new Ellipse(140, 140);
- ellipseList.add(head);
- dir=2;
- // Start with head and small body
- ellipseList.add(new Ellipse(width/2 - 2 * SEGMENT_SIZE, height/2));
- addFood();
- //speed of game
- frameRate(12);
- }
- void draw()
- {
- fill(0);
- background(255,255,255);
- text(mesaj,width/2-100,height/2);
- if(ok)
- {
- food.createEllipse();
- tryToEatAndMove(ellipseList.size());
- }
- }
- boolean tryToEatAndMove(int p)
- {
- int x = head.getX();
- int y = head.getY();// collison variable
- int sl = ellipseList.size();
- Ellipse e1 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 1);
- if ( sl>3){
- Ellipse e3 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 3);
- }
- Ellipse e2 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 2);
- // Ellipse e4 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 4);
- println("tail:" + e1.getX() + " " + e2.getX());
- //for ( int i = sl; i=1; i= sl-1) {
- //print ( "i: " + i);
- //}
- int tpx1 = e1.getX();
- int tpy1 = e1.getY();
- int tpx2 = e2.getX();
- int tpy2 = e2.getY();
- // int tpx3 = e3.getX();
- // int tpy3 = e3.getY();
- // int tpx4 = e4.getX();
- // int tpy4 = e4.getY();
- if (dist(x, y, tpx1, tpy1) < 14){
- print("dead a ");
- //exit();
- }
- if (sl>1){
- if (dist(x, y, tpx2, tpy2) < 14){
- print("dead b ");
- //exit();
- }
- }
- // if (dist(x, y, tpx3, tpy3) < 14){
- // print("dead");
- // exit();
- //}
- if (dist(x, y, food.getX(), food.getY()) < 14)
- {
- // Move the body
- move();
- //colision with yourself
- // Get last two segments
- // Ellipse e1 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 1);
- // Ellipse e2 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 2);
- // Ellipse e3 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 3);
- // Ellipse e4 = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(ellipseList.size() - 4);
- println("tail:" + e1.getX() + " " + e2.getX());
- int dX = e1.getX() - e2.getX();
- int dY = e1.getY() - e2.getY();
- // Add another segment at the end
- ellipseList.add(new Ellipse(e1.getX() + dX, e1.getY() + dY));
- // Add food to replace the one being eat
- addFood();
- println("Length: " + ellipseList.size());
- return true;
- }
- // Not on food, just move
- move();
- return false;
- }
- void addFood()
- {
- int rx = int (random(1, 56));
- int ry = int (random(1, 42));
- food = new Ellipse(rx*14, ry*14,14);// gs yay!
- //food=new Ellipse(280,280 ,14);
- print(food.getX() + " ");
- print(food.getY() + " ");
- }
- void move()
- {
- prevPosX = head.getX();
- prevPosY = head.getY();
- switch(dir)
- {
- case 0:
- head.moveUp();
- break;
- case 1:
- head.moveDown();
- break;
- case 2:
- head.moveRight();
- break;
- case 3:
- head.moveLeft();
- break;
- }
- followHead();
- }
- void followHead()
- {
- fill(0);
- head.createEllipse();
- fill(0);
- for (int i = 1; i < ellipseList.size(); i++)
- {
- Ellipse e = (Ellipse) ellipseList.get(i);
- int ppX = e.getX();
- int ppY = e.getY();
- // Move the segment where the previous one was
- e.x = prevPosX; e.y = prevPosY; // Need Ellipse.setX and setY...
- prevPosX = ppX;
- prevPosY = ppY;
- e.createEllipse();
- }
- }
- void mousePressed()
- {
- mesaj="";
- ok=true;
- dir=0;
- }
- void keyPressed()
- {
- if(key==CODED)
- {
- if(keyCode==UP)
- {
- dir=0;
- }
- if(keyCode==DOWN)
- {
- dir=1;
- }
- if(keyCode==RIGHT)
- {
- dir=2;
- }
- if(keyCode==LEFT)
- {
- dir=3;
- }
- }
- }
- void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
- // read a byte from the serial port:
- int inByte =;
- if (inByte == '1') {
- dir=0;
- }
- myPort.clear();
- if (inByte == '2') {
- dir=3;
- }
- if (inByte == '3') {
- dir=2;
- }
- if (inByte == '4') {
- dir=1;
- }
- }
- class Ellipse
- {
- int x; int y; int l;
- Ellipse(int _x, int _y)
- {
- // size of snake
- x=_x; y=_y; l=14;
- }
- Ellipse(int _x, int _y, int _l)
- {
- x=_x; y=_y; l=_l;
- }
- void createEllipse()
- {
- rect(x,y,l,l);
- }
- void createEllipse(int a,int b)
- {
- ellipse(a,b,l,l);
- }
- void moveUp()
- {
- y-=l;
- if(y<0) y=height;
- }
- void moveDown()
- {
- y+=l;
- if(y>height) y=0;
- }
- void moveRight()
- {
- x+=l;
- if(x>width) x=0;
- }
- void moveLeft()
- {
- x-=l;
- if(x<0) x=width;
- }
- int getX()
- {
- return x;
- }
- int getY()
- {
- return y;
- }
- int getL()
- {
- return l;
- }
- }