Processing Vancouver is a part of the larger Processing Cities Project, and serves as an initiative to establish a regularly meeting in Vancity for everybody who is interested in creative coding, generative art and design, designing with code, new media art, or just programming in general. We are starting off with a monthly meeting and invite you to join us. Processing Vancouver is the right place if you want to share some of your latest projects and ideas, look out for collaborators, learn more, ask for help, or just want to talk with like-minded people and to get to know each other a bit better.
We will be meeting on the final Monday of every month, 7-9pm, at VIVO Media Arts Centre, 1965 Main St., Vancouver. We welcome you to join us, and to be in touch if you are interested in presenting your work developed in Processing, or any other creative code framework... the inaugural event is on April 30th.
Find us here:
In addition, I will be hosting an Intro to Processing Workshop at VIVO, starting on May 7th.
More information can be found at
(note I'm also teaching an OpenFrameworks workshop in June, which can be seen on the same page...)
~ Jesse